Thursday, October 3, 2013

03 October 2013

(I had started this post while at dialysis earlier this morning; but using an Android-based tablet can be mighty frustrating, so I ran into a problem with drafting the entry, I decided to just finish it later.)

I am a bit behind in writing up my latest entry, and as I am sitting here on dialysis with nothing better to do I thought, 'Might as well!' 
So, please forgive any spelling deficiencies as my tablet is vastly different from my PC, and catching serious errors is difficult, at best. 
As always, let's start with the dialysis weights:
24 Sep 13
Starting Weight:  106.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.9 Kg
Water Removed:  2.10 Kg
26 Sep 13
Starting Weight:  105.8 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.0 Kg
Water Removed:  1.80 Kg
28 Sep 13
Starting Weight:  106.1 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.00 Kg
(It's now later...)

Looks like things with my weight have settled down again. I'll never complain about that!

My appetite is down again, though. I'm either not very hungry, or foods are just looking unappetizing. Aside from dialysis days, I have skipped breakfast (like normal), and skipped lunch this entire past week. And my dinners have been smaller, too. I know this isn't a good thing; but when food in completely unappealing, it's really tough to want to eat.

As far as my liquid intake, I have been extremely thirsty lately. I am trying to control my liquids, but I know I've not been as successful as I should; my liquids increasing from about 50 oz's per day to about 75 oz's. I have to be better about this because when my kidney's come out, I'll be severely restricted as to my liquids. Better I get used to it now rather than suddenly being forced to have little to drink.

My energy level remains on its downward trend. I am still struggling to get up and moving after a full night of sleep; my chores are taking longer to complete; and I am too tired to do much on my photos, and have completely dropped any attempts at creative writing.
I hate feeling this tired; but I also know that this is temporary, which helps me to avoid frustration and any feelings of worthlessness.

As for my recent dental work, my fillings are still quite sensitive to cold, so I limit how cold liquids are. The extraction site is looking great. All discoloration is gone, and the sensitivity in the area is now minimal. I am still having a LOT of pain in my R ball joint of my jaw. The TMD was excessively irritated by all the work--as anticipated--and I am having a lot of pain whenever I open my mouth to chew or even put food in my mouth.
I have found that when eating, if I apply moderate pressure to my L ball joint, I can open my mouth wider and have less pain as I chew.
Plus, I have been using my NTI Devices every night, and during all naps to get the muscles and inflammation to relax.  After a few days of the NTI Devices, things have begun to settle down; but there is still significant pain and discomfort. I am seeing my Chiropractor tomorrow, and will ask if he can adjust my jaw a bit; which will also help.

The week I was to use the Chlorhexidine rinse has passed, and just this morning I began to use Listerine mouthwash. I have never used this product before, and it sure does carry a wallop! It will take some getting used to; but it really is for my best oral health.

My dreams lately have been totally under my control. I haven't had any bad dreams in a number of weeks. This is definitely a good thing as it means that my mind is doing well,
I am in a good place mentally, and my future is looking better! In my nightly prayers I continue to ask for that control of my subconscious, though. No point in going backwards in this area! I'll use any tool at my disposal to avoid the misery that accompanies night after night of bad dreams. There's too much at stake to backtrack now!

Well, that's all for today. I haven't had my monthly labs at dialysis yet, so I should be reporting on those results soon.

Enjoy this Fall week, and remember to smile frequently, laugh heartily and always keep a positive thought in mind for those times when adversity besets you!

Good Health to All!



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