Monday, April 8, 2013

08 April 2013

I'm still having a rough time of it, but I need to get caught up now before I get way behind. So, let's start with the monthly lab results:

*Albumin (02 Apr):  4.70 g/dL (+0.20 from 19 Feb)

*Hemoglobin (02 Apr): 10.6 g/dL (-0.50 g/dL from 05 Mar)

*Ca Corrected (02 Apr): 9.30 mg/dL (No Change from 05 Mar)

*Phosphorous (02 Apr):  5.10 mg/dL (+ 0.3 mg/dL from 05 Mar)

*PTH Intact (19 Mar):  139 pg/mL (+42 pg/mL from 08 Jan)

*K+ (19 Mar):  3.60 mEq/L (-0.40 mEq/L from 19 Feb)

*spKdt/V Dialysis (02 Apr): 1.52   (+0.06 from 05 Mar)

Well, looks like mixed news on this month's labs. The Albumin, Ca Corrected and spKdt are eith up or holding steady; while the Hemoglobin is down--again--the potassium is just over the lower end of the acceptable range, and, even though the phos is still good, it increased again.

As far as my weights, here are the latest results:

02 April 13
Starting Weight:  106.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.2 Kg
Water Removed:  2.30 Kg

04 April 13
Starting Weight:  107.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.2 Kg
Water Removed:  3.00 Kg

06 April 13
Starting Weight:  106.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.8 Kg
Water Removed:  2.70 Kg

It appears that the extra water my body was giving back has stopped...or, at least given me a break. I don't know what to make of this though. From my perspective, I should be having better off-days. However, I am nauseated more, my flank pain is up significantly, my appetite is down again and I am sleeping longer post-dialysis than ever (last week I averaged 6.5 hours per nap). Time for more observations to determine if any new patterns are emerging.

Speaking of nausea, I am getting sick in the middle of the night, every night for the last week, or so. I have to take the Promethazine, though still only a fraction of the regular dose. At dialysis I asked for Zofran (anti-emetic) every treatment last week.
Plus, yesterday I started to feel lousy. Not because of nausea; but because I've been feeling like I did pre-dialysis when I was blah, and had a constant ache in my stomach that just made me feel like poo. That's the only way I can describe it right now.

The headache has also increased. This may be due to my feeling worse and subsequently holding myself more rigid than normal, or tightening my jaw; or, it could be the unremittent headache just making a fuss of things.

The flank pain is affecting my ability to walk properly. Every move I make only exacerbates the pain, so my body is trying to compensate by limping and struggling no matter how far or short a distance I tread. It is not fun, by any stretch. I can just picture the cysts on both kidneys growing, and growing, and...well, you get it.

In spite of the increased obstacles, I am still doing housework; still helping run errands--as I can--still working on my personal projects; still endeavoring every day to keep a good attitude and outlook, and working towards my healthy future. As I've stated many times already, keeping your mind in a good place is absolutely vital to coming out of this with the brightest possible result.
I refuse to let my thoughts turn negative, and to negatively affect my whole day. Negative thoughts just tears me down, dragging my heart and will right down with it. I can't--won't--let that happen. Everyone facing similar hardship has the strength within them to rise above the detritus of negativity and smile, laugh and enjoy life as much as they can. They just have to realize that they can do it; that nothing is beyond their power to overcome and be the healthiest, happiest that they can possibly be, even under these circumstances. Believe it! I wouldn't be telling you this if it wasn't true!

And with that, I will wrap this up.

Remember, I am going to have a try with twitter updates. If I get enough followers, I may keep going with it. Anyone can follow me by going to "@HCB63" (look for ScottW).

Until next time...

Good Health to All!


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