Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Test Report: Colonoscopy

Last Friday, 18 Jan 2013, I had the long-awaited Colonoscopy at the IHC campus in Murray, UT.
(Remember...I had to turn 50 before my insurance would cover the procedure..)

The test prep really wasn't too bad. Going hungry was my biggest challenge because of the nausea I get whenever I go without food.  I followed the Dulcolax dosing schedule, and the instructions for the gatorade/miralx solution. The worst part of the prep was drinking the solution. The flavor wasn't too awful; but the thickness of the solution was extremely off-putting. Anyhow, I didn't really start feeling the effects of the stuff until about 0500 the day of the test.
By the time I left for the hospital, things had cleared out as expected. Using cleansing wipes really helped cut down on the irritation of having to use so much TP. Anyhow...

I arrived at 945, as scheduled; but the doc was running behind schedule, so I didn't get called to go back for the prep until about 1145a. There was all the usual questions, signatures, etc. Plus, because anesthesia would be used, I got an IV in my R arm. The BP cuff was placed on my L lower leg (just above the ankle) because my L arm could not be used at all due to the fistula for dialysis. In fact, the nurse put a tag on my L wrist stating the my arm could not be used (see the pic below).
I also had a 5-Lead ECG attached. Then, I only had to wait.

(Waiting in the prep room, 18 Jan. 2013)
When the time came I was walked to the procedure room and directed to lay on the exam gurney/table. The doctor came it, talked to me about my Hx, the procedure, etc. I was then repositioned on my L side, and given an injection of Propofol--a fast acting anesthetic that also leaves the body fairly quickly. The injection stung...a lot! Within seconds I could feel it working. I literally said, "There it is...Ok, see you later!" and I was gone.
I awoke about an hour later in the recovery area. Once awake, the nurse encouraged me to pass gas--which I freely obliged, of course ;o) really can't help that part. Anyway...remember what I said about the anesthetic wearing off quickly? Well, by the time forty five minutes had passed since waking, I was fully awake, alert and cognizant. At that point I got dressed and awaited the doctor to talk with me.
When he arrived, the doctor had pics with him--I was hoping for that!--and explained that overall, everything looks good. I had four small, developing polyps which he immediately excised and sent for lab analysis. I was told they appeared completely benign, but would be receiving the lab report soon. The doc had no concerns about anything regarding the test, and was given the OK to leave. Now, I await the lab results.
The test images are below. The four polyps are circled on screenshots 4, 9, 11.

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