Thursday, January 16, 2020

Post-Transplant Update: 15 January 2020

Things are going well with the Torsemide.

Due to some issues with diarrhea, I waited until this past Sunday to start taking this potent diuretic; after all, with fluid and electrolyte loss from the diarrhea, it really was best to avoid the Torsemide so as to also avoid potential dehydration.

Anyhow, in the three days since starting the Torsemide, I have lost 4/10, 4/10 and 9/10 Kg of water each day respectively; for a total three day fluid and weight loss of 1.70 Kg's, or 3.74 lbs! (That's just under half a gallon of water!)  After yesterday's huge loss, I did not take the diuretic as instructed, but will start again tomorrow. Remember, any fluid/weight loss of two pounds or more in a single day, then I have to skip the Torsemide on the next day. This helps to avoid dehydration due to too much fluid loss in too short of a time.
So, as of this morning, I weigh 120.6 Kg!   It is amazing that the Isosorbide caused so much fluid retention! I sure am happy that we solved that issue!

My daytime voiding is so good that I have been getting up just once each night--usually around 330a--to urinate; which is a welcome break from 3-4 times each night. As a result, I am getting deeper, better sleep that I have in a long time. 

Next, my headaches. Though I had a severe TMD headache over Christmas--and several days following--I have been in a relatively calm cycle the past two weeks. On average, I have taken just one T3 each day, while taking Excedrin a majority of the time. 

However, yesterday morning, that trend started to reverse, and the headaches increased, as they cyclically do. Considering that it was nearly two full weeks between bad headaches, I will definitely not complain! (Remember, the longest non-PCKD induced, TMD headache I have ever had was a full six months without a break of even half a day! So a few bad days here and there is a huge victory in getting the TMD to settle back down.)

The further I get from the Isosorbide, Protonix and Amlodipine, and with the weight dropping off, my energy is gradually increasing. With better sleep and fewer headaches I am beginning to be more active every day. My energy still suddenly peters out, but I am getting  a bit more done each day than I have in months. 

My daily appetite is good, and I still keep from over indulging during meals so as to allow my body to use its already substantial fat reserves. As my weight loss slows, but my energy keep increasing, I will revisit my daily food intake.
Also, for now I am keeping my daily fluid intake at between 3.0-3.5 Liters of fluid. [as I shed weight and excess water] To keep from dehydrating myself from inadequate fluid intake, I will maintain awareness as to thirst level, electrolyte needs, skin look and feel, and by constantly monitoring urine color for signs of inadequate perfusion of fluids. I fully expect that as I become more and more active, that my daily fluid intake will increase accordingly. 

And with that, I will bring this entry to an end.

Next week I have my January lab draw and Belatacept infusion; both on Tuesday, 21 January. I will post the labs either on Wednesday or Thursday.

Until then,

Good Health to All!


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