Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Post-Transplant Update: 09 April 2019

I don't have a lot to discuss today as things have been pretty uneventful, overall.

However, that doesn't mean there is nothing to pass on.

First, I had my initial dental appointment to fix that broken tooth (#19, apparently). As I stated in an earlier post, the break on the tooth was clean, and the underlying dentin was still in great condition; as well as was a filling on the tooth that had no stability issues.
Because of these factors, there was zero 'build-up' needed on or around the tooth to stabilize the crown. I had several impressions of the tooth taken, and a 'temporary' crown was created over the tooth in order to protect it from further damage, and the dentist just needed to clean up the tooth so that the crown would fit nicely.

Getting the crown made will take two weeks, and I will have the temporary crown removed and the permanent crown then placed on the 18th of this month. 

That was the good news...

...now for the bad...

As with every time I have any dental work, my TMD was set off BIG TIME!
Ever since the appointment one week ago, my headaches have been averaging a solid 8, with frequent bumps up to 10+. Even with meds, my headache is terrible, and only time will help things relax again. Unfortunately, with the crown placement coming up--and more TMD aggravation--it will likely been some time before the pain calms down to a normal level. Plus, I'll be getting a cleaning in the next month or two. This is NOT a fun time to have TMD complications. Oh well...I do what I must and know that eventually these headaches will reduce.

Next, the scar from my partial parathyroidectomy is coming along.

(Seven weeks post-surgery)

The actual surgery pain is completely gone, and I can move my neck freely once again. However, even after following physician instructions, I still have undissolved sutures along the incision. 
After I see my monthly labs next week, I am to call the doctors' nurse to ask about any alterations of calcium intake. I will also ask about the sutures and if I need to have them removed. I will let you know what I find out.

My recent energy uptick has remained. Having the three parathyroid glands excised was definitely the right thing for me to do. I had been wanting to get out walking more than a few times each week, but with the TMND headaches so severe right now, there is yet another delay in really getting started.  :o( 
In any event, I am glad for the energy increase. I am cooking every day again, doing more household chores and am not such a lump at home (which is fantastic!). I'm even finding that I am getting bored; which I take as an excellent sign that I am on the upswing!

And that is all I have for today.

Labs and my next monthly infusion of Belatacept are next Tuesday (16 April). I will update my blog once those labs are completely available.

Have a terrific week, everyone!

Good Health to All!


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