Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Post-Transplant Update: 12 March 2019

Recovery from the Parathyroid surgery has gone about as expected.

Nearly three weeks out from the surgery, I am getting around pretty well. I have noticed that my energy level is definitely better--though still very low. For example...in my home there are three flights of stairs; from the entry to the main area (kitchen, DR, LR, etc), then two additional flights from there up to the bedrooms. Previous to the surgery, if I had to climb all three flights, I would be dragging and exhausted by the time I was on the landing between the second and third flight of stairs.  Post-surgery, I can now climb all three flights and NOT be exhausted. Tired, yes; but not exhausted. 
So, definite improvement here!

Also, my blood pressure (BP) has reduced both morning and evening. Prior to the surgery, both readings had been trending upwards for a number of weeks. My average A.M BP had gone from 115-125 systolic to 130-145. P.M readings were even worse, going from 125-140 up to 145-155 systolic.
Now, my ranges are going from 103-130 systolic in the morning, and 125-138 systolic in the evening.

Another improvement has been that my headaches have reduced over this past week. Now, this may be coincidental to the lowered PTH level, which I freely acknowledge. The reduction may simply be a down-cycle of my headaches. Or, it may be directly due to the removal of the three parathyroid glands. Time will tell.

Next, the surgery site is definitely better.

(Three weeks post-surgery. No bruising. Reduced swelling.)

Over time, the scar should be minimally visible.

As of this writing, the scar is still extremely sore. I must still only wear shirts that avoid touching the area. Turning my neck too much every day also exacerbates the pain. Again, this will improve over time.

A possible side effect of the sustained high PTH level may have evidenced itself during my hospital stay. I had part of a tooth break off, which has never happened before. My teeth have always been pretty healthy, aside from a few cavities; so this breakage is possibly due to calcium deficiency in my teeth.
I have a dental exam tomorrow to find out if I have more issues with my teeth, and how to correct the broken tooth. I will definitely update you on my next entry.

This past week my weight increased unexpectedly for three straight days, going from 122 Kg to 125 Kg. [As earlier instructed by Kidney Clinic doctors] I took a Lasix pill twice on Sunday. Over the course of the day, I got rid of all my fluid intake, plus another 1.1 Kg's of fluid that I had retained. (I only took the Lasix for a single day.)
As of this morning, I had voided all of yesterday's fluid intake, plus, another five tenths of a Kg--now at 122.4 Kg. The Lasix essentially helped the kidney as it is intended. I will look for additional incremental weight-loss in the coming days.

Yesterday, I took for first post-surgery walk. Granted, it wasn't a long walk (only about 200 yards), but it was a start. I am planning on doing these walks pretty much every day in order to build up stamina and strength; however slowly that might occur.

I believe that that is all for today.

Next week are monthly labs and Belatacept infusion (on Tuesday, 19 March). I will update you after that.

Good Health to All!


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