Wednesday, July 23, 2014

23 July 2014

An update on my fistula...

I saw the Vascular surgeon this afternoon, and the bulk of my fistula is in great shape. There is, however, a growth that is forming just above the surgery site (where the fistula was connected) that is impeding blood flow. It's kind of a stalagmite-looking protrusion that crosses about half the width of the vein. It's an odd thing, but nothing the doc hasn't seen previously.

So, I will be going in for a day surgery next Monday--early--which should only last about an hour. The procedure will be an Angioplasty of the Fistula.

This adjunct will hopefully be adequate to get me through to the transplant. If not, there is really only one option...creation of another fistula. I do NOT want that to happen because it would push any transplant back at least six additional weeks (or more!). Plus, if I get a new fistula, I'll have to have a subclavian shunt installed as a temporary access for dialyzing...which I absolutely DO NOT WANT! Transplant would be stalled for months due to infection concerns. Let's keep our fingers crossed that my perfusion will increase as well as the effectiveness of dialysis.

I probably won't be able to type for a couple days afterwards, so it could be a bit before I get another entry done. So please, be patient while I recover and I will get the news to you as soon as I can.

As always, feel free to ask me any questions. I will always answer them!

Good Health to All!


P.s  I remembered that it was past time for me to remind everyone that this blog reflects my individual experience with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PCKD). My course of treatment, hospitalizations and surgeries are unique to me alone. Any other patients may experience something totally different. For the best medical advice, always talk to your physicians as to what is best for YOUR treatment. And please, please, PLEASE...Follow your treatment plan exactly as your care takers (Docs, Nurses, Clinics, etc) advise. The plan is there for a reason, and if you choose not to do everything as required, your treatment will not be as effective as it could otherwise be. This includes meds, diet, fluids, etc. Excuses only make things worse, so follow the plan!

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