Friday, May 24, 2019

Post-Transplant Update: 24 May 2019

Over this past week, there have been few new developments, so this entry will be fairly brief. 

My daily vitals have been stable. As per usual, my morning and evening blood pressure (BP) readings are divergent from each other. While the difference is now less following the partial parathyroidectomy, it is still there. As I stated in last weeks' entry, the Clinic doctors are unconcerned by that at this time, so I won't worry too much about the AM/PM gap.  
On the other hand, my average pulse rate is in the mid 60's, which is excellent!     
As far as my weight...I seem to have stalled in my downward vacillation, hovering at or near 125 Kg's. 

Yesterday, I finally finished the latest puzzle that I have been working on for several months. The reason it has taken so long is because it is a "Challenge" puzzle of 1,000 pieces, and with similar patterns of color and shape throughout. A good early session on the puzzle was 2-3 pieces. Some days, I got nothing done. As I put more pieces in place, the puzzle went faster as there were fewer and fewer pieces to sort through; less patters to evaluate and identify.  Below is a picture of that puzzle:

This particular puzzle, though frustrating to even get started, was a great exercise for my recovering brain. It really helped me to settle my mind away from frustration and  towards problem solving, and seeing more intricate patterns. 
The next puzzle I will do will not be so difficult; which I will start on this weekend.

On the TMD front, I had a small victory this past month. Let me explain...
Ever since my Abdominal Hernia surgery (and all the terrible resultant pain), my T3 usage has been one month of meds taken over about 26-28 days; or, about 3.15 tablets per day. This usage was consistent...until my latest Rx was done. I started using that on the morning of 22 April. I finished that bottle of meds in the morning of 22 May, for a solid 3.0 tablets per day.  I know, that doesn't sound like a big drop; but it is the first time since that 2017 surgery that I have been able to go a full 30 days on one allotment of meds. Plus, as I stated last week, I had several days that I took only one T3. 
This small victory gives me even more hope that I am finally on my way to getting to the point of completely controlling the TMD headaches once again.

My energy this past week has been low; but considering how much I had to do from Tuesday (14 May) until Monday morning, I really am not surprised that my body is tired. However, I have to look at it from the perspective of my having enough healing and physical energy that I could do so much solo driving, and so many errands in the first place! This is terrific progress, even if I have to take a step backward for a few days.
Again...small victories!

My sleep has been OK; my appetite is consummate with my overall activity level; my water intake is a solid 2.5 Liters every day (plus other fluids) and I am feeling like I am moving slowly forward. A long road to overall recovery still lies before me, but I am seeing clear signs that I am on my way.

I hope that all of my U.S. readers have a safe Memorial Day weekend! Please take a few minutes to remember those who gave their lives so that we all can enjoy the freedoms that we live with every day. Without their sacrifices, our lives would be vastly different!

Good Health to All!


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