Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Post-Transplant Update 27 March 2018

A quick note only this morning as I do not know if I'll be able to get to a longer update any time soon...

Last week I told you about my Creatinine jumping from 1.64 to 1.92, and that another lab draw was ordered to check on whether or not the reading was an aberrancy. This morning, I did the follow-up labs and the Creatinine came back with a huge jump of 0.79 to 2.71! This is hospitalization territory.

Plus, my Lymphocytes took a nosedive from 11.5 down to 7.9, and the Lymph ABS fell 0.6 to 0.2. Additionally, my Neutrophils jumped 1.6, the GFR is now low, the BUN is jumped to double the top end of the range and my RBC number fell.

While the med Myfortic will need to be either changed or adjusted, we may also need to look at the renal artery, and other things as well.


I just now received the call from the Transplant Committee to be admitted to the hospital!

I will update you as soon as I am able.

Until then...

I've gotta go!


1 comment:

  1. I just saw this Scott, I hope you are home now and back on the road to recovery and living. Love You.
