Monday, March 13, 2017

13 March 2017

I looked on my blog this morning and discovered that my last entry was over a month ago...

...please accept my apologies for the delay. I have no excuse other than time just passed so quickly. (And NO, I have NOT gotten my call for transplant...unfortunately.)

So, let's get caught up...

Dialysis Weights:

07 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  99.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.4 Kg
Water Removed:  1.80 Kg
Start BP:  208/121     End BP:  160/93

09 Feb 17

Starting Weight:  100.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.3 Kg
Water Removed:  2.70 Kg
Start BP:  186/97     End BP:  157/97

11Feb 17

Starting Weight:  99.9 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.4 Kg
Water Removed:  2.50 Kg
Start BP:  208/111     End BP:  163/99

14 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  99.1 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.4 Kg
Water Removed:  1.70 Kg
Start BP:  179/115     End BP:  154/92

16 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  100.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.3 Kg
Water Removed:  2.70 Kg
Start BP:  196/114     End BP:  163/100

18 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  99.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.3 Kg
Water Removed:  1.90 Kg
Start BP:  196/115     End BP:  156/97

21 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  100.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.5 Kg
Water Removed:  3.00 Kg
Start BP:  208/118     End BP:  163/101

23 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  99.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.50 Kg
Start BP:  198/110     End BP:  164/103

25 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  99.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.40 Kg
Start BP:  186/110     End BP:  157/96

28 Feb 17
Starting Weight:  100.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.2 Kg
Water Removed:  3.00 Kg
Start BP:  210/118     End BP:  136/96

02 Mar 17
Starting Weight:  99.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.0 Kg
Water Removed:  2.00 Kg
Start BP:  182/112     End BP:  175/92

04 Mar 17
Starting Weight:  99.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  96.8 Kg
Water Removed:  2.40 Kg
Start BP:  194/111     End BP:  161/104

07 Mar 17
Starting Weight:  100.3 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.1 Kg
Water Removed:  3.20 Kg
Start BP:  183/107     End BP:  161/99

09 Mar 17
Starting Weight:  100.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  97.0 Kg
Water Removed:  3.00 Kg
Start BP:  195/118     End BP:  172/103

11 Mar 17
Starting Weight:  99.7 Kg
Ending Weight:  ???
Water Removed:  ???
Start BP:  199/121     End BP:  ???
*???= Electricity Outage at the dialysis clinic. My Tx ended over 45 minutes early. I was manually rinsed back, but could not get my post-weight, nor my final BP.

As of now, my dry weight target is 96.7 Kg. I have been trying to go down below 97.0 Kg for a few weeks, but my body has been reluctant to give all the fluids I am trying to remove. As a result, I have been consistently above my target water loss by 0.3-0.5 Kg just about every single day.

No matter that I am having difficulty hitting my dry weight, though. After every dialysis session I have been having terrible leg cramps post-Tx. I'm talking bolt up from a dead sleep into a standing position so you can get the cramping to stop, type cramping. Nasty,horrible cramps! Until these go away I will not try to go any lower than 96.7 Kg.

Along those lines, I spoke with my Nephrologist last Tuesday about my BP. He is starting to get concerned about the high level, but wants to try to avoid any BP meds at this point due to my impending transplant. As we are seeing definite progress with lowering my BP with my dropping dry weight, the plan is to continue working on my dry weight as the means of reducing my BP...for now. This could always change.

My body has continued to put most all of my water gain [between dialysis Tx's] underneath my diaphragm, and causing continued issues with breathing easily. While my days between Tx's have had some issues, it's my Mondays that have been a terrible struggle to get through. Trying to stand, sit or relax comfortably is a serious issue on Mondays, and sleeping is nearly impossible. As a result, I go into my Tuesday dialysis in serious sleep deficit, then end up sleeping 20-24 hours over a day and a half. This is repeating itself every Tuesday/Wednesday. At least I am getting the sleep I need, right?

As far as my appetite, it remains poor, at best. One decent meal per day is the norm, with a small breakfast or lunch besides. Plus, a little snacking may or may not happen during the day. Conversely, my energy remains low, and my ability to be active is minimized. I do as much as I can every day, though even that is becoming less and less.    I don't like this development, but, it is what it is. I cannot do what I cannot do. Fretting about this does absolutely no good; nor for anyone around me.

On things that are changing for the better--I know, these are few and far between at this point--as the season changes from Winter to Spring, I have discovered that I am not as cold as I have been over the last 7 years. I don't know when, how or why this has changed, and I am not griping about it. I am just grateful for this development! Don't get me wrong...I still get cold. Just not so damned cold that I have to be under blankets in a 74 degree room. And with the local weather getting warmer than normal, I am actually going to my early morning dialysis with just a windbreaker instead of a fleece or warmer jacket on. If this continues I will soon be wearing shorts every day...Aaahhhhh........!!!  :o)

Well, I think that's about all for today. At least, I'm getting so tired that I cannot think of anything else!
I continue to await my call. I anticipate that my placement is now easily in the Top 5 for my bloodtype. And that means that my call could come in at any time. So, my phone is charged and on full volume 24/7/365.

Until next time...

Good Health to All!


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