Wednesday, June 25, 2014

25 June 2014

Too long--once again--between my posts. My apologies. Let's get to it...

Dialysis Weights:

07 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  102.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.4 Kg
Water Removed:  3.20 Kg

10 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  103.7 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.6 Kg
Water Removed:  3.10 Kg

12 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  102.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  100.5 kg
Water Removed:  2.10 Kg

15 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  102.9 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.4 Kg
Water Removed:  3.50 Kg

17 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  103.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.4 Kg
Water Removed:  4.10 Kg

19 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  101.9 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.6 Kg
Water Removed:  2.30 Kg

21 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  102.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.1 Kg
Water Removed:  3.50 kg

24 Jun 14
Starting Weight:  102.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.4 Kg
Water Removed:  3.20 Kg
Yet again, my weights are under control. The one day where I ended over my dry weight was due to an input error by the Tech, when they were setting up my daily draw for the dialysis machine.

The Head Nurse decided to start a new top button hole. The old one is just below the collapsed part of the fistula, and we've been waiting for the ancillary veins around that to grow and strengthen. So, for six months we've waited patiently; and now, it's time for a new top-site.
Anyhow, the Nurse got the new sharps stick (an actual sharp needle), and on the next Tx, the Tech who canulated saw good flashback, but the vein popped and I had a hematoma the size of a golf ball on my arm. The new site was abandoned, and the old button hole was used instead. That was two weeks ago. In yesterday's Tx, the same Nurse tried the sharps stick again, and got it. We'll [hopefully] do the same on Thursday. After eight or so Tx's, the sharps needle should no longer be needed, and we'll go to the blunt needle, instead. We'll see if I have any more problems with the new site pretty quickly.
I do have a nice yellow bruise on my arm from that hematoma. It never turned into something nasty looking, though; which was a bit of a disappointment...At least I could have a gnarly bruise from this, right?  :o)
(I'll try to remember to take a picture of the new site while I'm on dialysis tomorrow!)

Because my K+ and Phosphorous have been high, I've had lots of lab draws to check on both. Since my last blog my K+ has dropped from 6.1 to 5.3, which is within the acceptable range. The Phosphorous continues bouncing all over the place going from 5.7 in early June to 6.6 today.
Both numbers are the result of mi increased time on the dialyzer. I am now going for 4.5 hours each Tx, and the results are improving. My spKdt/V is better, too; as is the Albumin.
My next labs will be coming up on the first Tuesday in July, so we'll have a total picture on the new dialysis times then.

In other news, my healing is coming along. I am starting to drive again---awesome! I can do this because the nausea is down, the vertigo is way down, and my mental acuity is greatly improved. In fact, my wife is out of town for a week, and I am driving myself to dialysis while she's gone! (Just a touch better, eh?)

Also, my sleep is getting better as far as quality. I am sleeping about eight solid hours, while taking a few naps each day. Plus, my dreams remain completely in my control. This is a sure sign that I am doing better, mentally.

The physical strength side of things is still really low, but it is definitely better. I have pretty much zero stamina, but I am walking better, faster, and don't lean on my cane nearly as much as just a few weeks ago.

I am still having a constant issue with nausea. While I'm not throwing up every day, I still get awoken with intense nausea, and have days when I can't get away from feeling terribly sick; but overall, the nausea is getting better and better. Any time I can get away from feeling so terrible, is a very good thing!

That's all I can think of today. With the Fourth of July coming up it may be sometime before I get my next entry done; so be patient...I'll get to it!

Good Health to All!


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