Tuesday, December 31, 2013

31 December 2013

The last day of the year is upon us already.

So, appropriately enough, here is my last entry of 2013, as well...

Dialysis Weights:

19 Dec 13
Starting Weight:  105.1 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.2 Kg
Water Removed:  1.90 Kg

21 Dec 13
Starting Weight:  105.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.0 Kg
Water Removed:  2.60Kg

24 Dec 13
Starting Weight:  106.4 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.0 Kg
Water Removed:  3.40 Kg

27 Dec 13
Starting Weight:  107.8 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.8 Kg
Water Removed:  3.00 kg

30 Dec 13
Starting Weight:  109.2 Kg**
Ending Weight:  104.9 Kg
Water Removed:  4.30 Kg

**My December 30th weight is high because of an unfortunate accident I experienced on Christmas night. Long story short--I hit my fistula directly on the top button hole causing massive swelling of the lower arm and LOTS of pain, too.
So, I went to do dialysis on Friday, and after 30 minutes of trying, were finally able to canulate both button holes. Unfortunately, the many attempts at the top button hole resulted in additional swelling and bruising at that site.
On Sunday--an unusual day for dialysis; due to Christmas scheduling--the Techs failed to canulate the top button hole after forty five painfully agonizing minutes. So, I called a stop to the attempts, and I came back in on Monday afternoon (yesterday) so the Head Nurse could work with me to get the canulation.
Anyhow, because of the extra day between treatments, my weight increased 1.5 Kg's higher than it was on Sunday morning (107.6 Kg at the time). Also, because of this, I'll be playing catch-up with my weight for a week or so.

Other than the whole bruised arm thing, my weights remain fairly consistent. I attribute this to my keeping close track of my liquid intake from day to day. Again, I don't know exactly how much I drink every day; rather, I keep a very good approximation. My aim is about one liter of fluids per day.

Back to the dialysis issue...
Yesterday, the Tech initially tried to do a Sharps (a sharp needle, instead of the dull needles that are used for button holes) below the top button hole. However, due top edema, hard tissue and pain, she was unable to get the stick. The Head Nurse was called in. He tried the button hole, but without success. He then used a Sharps even lower on my fistula. Even then it took a bit of fishing around for him to canulate the vein. We'll be using this site for a few treatments to give the button hole a rest, and to allow some of the swelling to reduce. Depending on the condition of the button hole, we will abandon it, or go with the new site. I'll let you know how that ends up.
After he had gotten the stick, the nurse spoke to a doctor about my arm. He was concerned about a possible infection because of the amount of swelling (edema), the hardness of the tissues, and the amount of pain I was experiencing. The doctor prescribed a round of Ansef--an antibiotic--that would be administered in two doses (3 grams yesterday--at the end of Tx--and two grams on Thursday. This should eliminate any infection risk. I'll keep you updated.

I have been experiencing a lot of nausea the past couple of weeks. It usually hits suddenly and is quite intense. I have been trying to combat this sudden onset nausea with a regimen of Tums, followed by Promethazine. This is usually successful. Additionally, since coming home from the hospital, I have been having to eat something every two hours or so. If I don't, the nausea increases to nearly untreatable levels and I am miserable until it declines. So, not much fun there.

Any headaches I get now are entirely TMD related. I can go two or three days between headaches. When I do have one, I pop in my TMD devices at night, and awaken without a headache once again. Ahhhh....life without a 24/7 headache...Love It!!!  :o)

Remember my Phosphorous spike following surgery? Well, after using the new regimen for the binders (Renvela), in just a week and a half I was able to lower my phosphorous by 1.50, going from 8.1 down to 6.6. If I keep that up, my phosphorous levels will be right where I want then to be; in the 4.2-4.8 range.
Speaking of Labs, my next draw should be early next week. I'll post the monthly results when they are available.

That's all for today. However, I will be posting records from my recent hospital stay later this afternoon; so be looking for them.

Have a safe, fun and festive New Years Eve! May 2014 be even better than the year we just finished!

Good Health, and Good Fortune to All!



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