Thursday, September 20, 2012

19 September 2012

Another long period between posts, so let's get to it...

Here are my dialysis weights:

11 Sept
Starting Weight: 105.1 Kg
Water Removed: 0.5 Kg (*A miscommunication between myself and the tech)
Ending Weight: 104.5 Kg

13 Sept
Starting Weight: 105.1 Kg
Water Removed: 2.2 Kg
Ending Weight: 102.9 Kg

15 Sept
Starting Weight: 105.0 Kg
Water Removed: 2.0 Kg
Ending Weight: 103.0 Kg

18 Sept
Starting Weight: 105.5 Kg
Water Removed: 2.3 Kg
Ending Weight: 103.2 Kg

As you can see, my weight is staying at a consistent level, even with my eating more. I won't be complaining about it, though. Holding steady is a good thing!

My headache continues to be lower--on my off days, at least. On Dialysis day I am using between four to six T3s. On my off day, I am using two. For an average, I am now using 3.66 T3's per day...down significantly from before I started the dialysis. On my off days I am going to start using regular Tylenol (2 - 500 mg tabs) to see if those will take care of the headache--or not. It's worth a try.

I got my dialysis vitamin in the mail. It is called Dialyvite 800 w/zinc. There are several different kinds or formulas of this vitamin. This one is what was recommended by the Davita Dietician. Like my multivitamin, I take one tablet per day. The dialysis vitamins are NOT covered by my insurance (check with your coverage!). I ordered these online from Hillestad Pharmaceuticals, a company in Wisconsin. The price for 100 doses was $11.60, plus $4 shipping. Plus, I got my order just two business days after placing it!

I also picked up the phosphorous binder. It is called Renvela (800 mg). I was told it was a huge pill; but after picking it up, I saw that it is no larger than the Gemfibrozil I've been taking for two plus no big deal. I have to take the Renvela after every meal. It absorbs a portion of any phosphorous you ingest and eliminates it through the intestinal tract. So far I haven't noticed any aide effects.
*This med is very expensive at $200+ per month's usage. Be sure you have Rx insurance!!!

On Tuesday, during dialysis, I was given my first ever flu shot. Historically, I get the flu maybe once every twelve years--but when I do...look out!--so this was a new thing for me. The charge nurse stated that if I didn't, because of my kidneys, if I got the flu now, I would likely end up in the hospital ICU.
Hmmm....let me think about that one...
So, for the rest of my life I now get to have a yearly flu shot.
I haven't noticed any untoward side effects from the shot, and with nearly forty eight hours since inoculation, I am probably in the clear.

My dialysis days continue to be exhausting, achy, increased headache and lots of sleeping. I don't know if this will change. I hope it will. 

My off days overall are better. Increased energy, lower headache, feeling somewhat rested, and having some creativity all continue to be a part of the off days. Plus, my appetite on the off days is better. I am still not eating a lot more, but I am eating more.

Still no word from the IHC Transplant office on my candidacy for transplant. I was hoping to hear something today. I'll just keep waiting.

That's all I can remember right now, so I'll be going.

Good Health to All!


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