Friday, April 23, 2010

22 April 10

My apologies for taking a while to write my next entry. I have been finishing up my two online courses, and that has been consuming my time.

Well, let's start with the good news.

Since I last wrote, I have been able to get a break from that headache due to the Rx I have from my doc. It has been nice not feeling like my head was going to explode any second. Because of this, my appetite is up slightly, and I am sleeping a bit better (more restfully) so I'm actually somewhat rested in the morning.

On the other hand, my bouts of nausea have further intensified. I don't know how I didn't throw up a number of times the last few days. When it happens, nothing I've got will even touch it. Pretty nasty stuff. :o(

The edema in my legs has visibly increased over the past week. Lots of itching on my legs (due to the edema).

The pain in my mid-back continues with minimal relief.

As of now, my urinary output remains fairly constant in volume. I've already experienced a decrease in total output and there have been a few additional differences, but nothing dramatic. I only mention this because as the disease progresses, my output will drop significantly, and I should have difficulty urinating...NOT something I look forward to!

(Can you tell I have absolutely no problem discussing every aspect of the disease? I used to be a paramedic, so this stuff is just normal discussion for me!)

Anyway, that's all I've got for now. I hope this writing finds each of you, my readers, healthy, happy and successful in all that you endeavor towards.

Good Health to All!


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