Sunday, April 18, 2010

17 April 10

As I thought it might turn out [in my last post], this last appointment yesterday was interesting.

Here's the highlights:

*Function is now 21% (I'm losing about 1% per month). Once I have two consecutive visits with my nephrologist in which my kidney's are under 20%, I will officially be in Stage 5 (end-stage) and I will get a fistula in advance of dialysis (which it looks like I'll start sometime in the Fall.)

*The headache associated with the disease is now at six months. My doc gave me a Rx for that today (finally!).

*I had mid-back pain evidence last weekend over the kidney areas. It has been a 24/7 pain unlike anything I've experienced so far, and it will get stronger, and more painful.

*I've got edema in my lower legs, and am being placed on a diuretic. *When the back pain showed up, I had a huge increase of my nausea in both intensity and duration. The Pepcid I have been taking is doing almost zero good; but my doc wants me to continue using it.

*I have to start taking sodium bicarb tablets to try and level out my pH.

*I'm in the classic "you have to get worse before we can make you better" stage.

*My doc is sending me to a Neurologist to try and solve the headache question.

*He is also sending me to a Sleep Specialist to see if I have any apnea issues due to my overwhelming and constant tiredness. Anything that will help, right?

So, over the next few months I get to look forward to feeling worse than I already do, so we can get me started on dialysis. Along the way I'll be expecting to see other major S/S's of the advancement of the disease.

I already discussed with my doc about my forward thinking and overall outlook. He was extremely pleased to hear that I was being proactive about maintaining my objectivity and ability to stay positive and keep my mind in a good place.

That's the update. My next visit is on 21 June.

Please continue to join me as I traverse this difficult journey. Any thoughts, prayers, blog comments and general support are always welcome and tremendously appreciated.

Good Health to All!


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