Monday, April 12, 2010

12 April 10

Well, the pain in my mid-back has not yet worsened.

I slept OK both Sat. and Sun. nights. I still cannot sit long without having to adjust; but at least it isn't getting least not yet.

I contacted my nephrologist today about this development. He stated that as long as I'm not bleeding in my urine, that there is no immediate danger, and we'll keep our scheduled appointment (this Friday). If anything changes before then, I am to contact him immediately.

Also, along with the back pain showing up (or, in conjunction ???) I am nauseated easier, with greater intensity, and for a longer period of time. This is happening in spite of my continued use of the Pepcid twice a day. So, I am using lots of Tums and Emetrol once again in addition to the Pepcid.

So, a few interesting things. My appointment on Friday should be very interesting.

Good Health to All!


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