Friday, April 30, 2010

29 April 10

Just a quick entry tonight.

I've been having lots of pain over my kidneys all day. I think this is the first time I have felt this much kidney pain for this long.

My head has been worse today as well. I don't know that the two having an increase in pain are related in any way, but it is an interesting correlation.

So, that's all for today. I just wanted to pass that along.

Good Health to All!


Monday, April 26, 2010

25 April 10

I had a new, major S/S show up to day.

Well, maybe not show up as much as become far more obvious.

After I woke this morning I was sitting with my legs elevated and noticed that my feet looked 'stretched.' They were definitely swollen. I did a quick *rebound test on my feet, ankles, and mid-calf height on my legs.
*A rebound test is used to check for edema (usually in the lower extremities). The test is done by gently pressing one finger on a given area, remove the finger, and observe the "rebound" of the skin to both normal color and position. Most healthy people have a rebound of less than one second.

When I did the rebound test over the areas noted above, my average time was +2.5 [seconds]. I knew I could see the edema last week; now it is clearly evidenced as a +2.5 is a huge leap in the level of edema. It looks like the kidneys may have taken a bit of a dive. If so, I am not surprised. I wish it would have waited longer, but I'm definitely not surprised.

So, on I go. Let's all look for an outstanding week ahead!

Good Health to All!


Friday, April 23, 2010

22 April 10

My apologies for taking a while to write my next entry. I have been finishing up my two online courses, and that has been consuming my time.

Well, let's start with the good news.

Since I last wrote, I have been able to get a break from that headache due to the Rx I have from my doc. It has been nice not feeling like my head was going to explode any second. Because of this, my appetite is up slightly, and I am sleeping a bit better (more restfully) so I'm actually somewhat rested in the morning.

On the other hand, my bouts of nausea have further intensified. I don't know how I didn't throw up a number of times the last few days. When it happens, nothing I've got will even touch it. Pretty nasty stuff. :o(

The edema in my legs has visibly increased over the past week. Lots of itching on my legs (due to the edema).

The pain in my mid-back continues with minimal relief.

As of now, my urinary output remains fairly constant in volume. I've already experienced a decrease in total output and there have been a few additional differences, but nothing dramatic. I only mention this because as the disease progresses, my output will drop significantly, and I should have difficulty urinating...NOT something I look forward to!

(Can you tell I have absolutely no problem discussing every aspect of the disease? I used to be a paramedic, so this stuff is just normal discussion for me!)

Anyway, that's all I've got for now. I hope this writing finds each of you, my readers, healthy, happy and successful in all that you endeavor towards.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

17 April 10

As I thought it might turn out [in my last post], this last appointment yesterday was interesting.

Here's the highlights:

*Function is now 21% (I'm losing about 1% per month). Once I have two consecutive visits with my nephrologist in which my kidney's are under 20%, I will officially be in Stage 5 (end-stage) and I will get a fistula in advance of dialysis (which it looks like I'll start sometime in the Fall.)

*The headache associated with the disease is now at six months. My doc gave me a Rx for that today (finally!).

*I had mid-back pain evidence last weekend over the kidney areas. It has been a 24/7 pain unlike anything I've experienced so far, and it will get stronger, and more painful.

*I've got edema in my lower legs, and am being placed on a diuretic. *When the back pain showed up, I had a huge increase of my nausea in both intensity and duration. The Pepcid I have been taking is doing almost zero good; but my doc wants me to continue using it.

*I have to start taking sodium bicarb tablets to try and level out my pH.

*I'm in the classic "you have to get worse before we can make you better" stage.

*My doc is sending me to a Neurologist to try and solve the headache question.

*He is also sending me to a Sleep Specialist to see if I have any apnea issues due to my overwhelming and constant tiredness. Anything that will help, right?

So, over the next few months I get to look forward to feeling worse than I already do, so we can get me started on dialysis. Along the way I'll be expecting to see other major S/S's of the advancement of the disease.

I already discussed with my doc about my forward thinking and overall outlook. He was extremely pleased to hear that I was being proactive about maintaining my objectivity and ability to stay positive and keep my mind in a good place.

That's the update. My next visit is on 21 June.

Please continue to join me as I traverse this difficult journey. Any thoughts, prayers, blog comments and general support are always welcome and tremendously appreciated.

Good Health to All!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

14 April 10

Well, I'm pretty darned certain that my new back pain is indeed my kidney's.

While I was at my weekly PT, the doctor gave me a percussive test on the area around my kidney's. Basically, a percussive test is a light to moderate tapping of a cupped hand over a given area of the body. It is usually used for respiratory patients, but can be used elsewhere. The test sends small sound waves into the [tapped] area looking for either sound variations (lungs), or physical response (such as wincing).

The test today showed definitive tenderness over both kidney's, with the R kidney showing greater sensitivity. The doctor stated that he was only using a light tapping.

This just confirms what I have been suspecting since the pain evidenced on Saturday morning. Now, I only need to see the blood tests.

Friday's nephrology appointment will be quite interesting...

Good Health to All!


Monday, April 12, 2010

12 April 10

Well, the pain in my mid-back has not yet worsened.

I slept OK both Sat. and Sun. nights. I still cannot sit long without having to adjust; but at least it isn't getting least not yet.

I contacted my nephrologist today about this development. He stated that as long as I'm not bleeding in my urine, that there is no immediate danger, and we'll keep our scheduled appointment (this Friday). If anything changes before then, I am to contact him immediately.

Also, along with the back pain showing up (or, in conjunction ???) I am nauseated easier, with greater intensity, and for a longer period of time. This is happening in spite of my continued use of the Pepcid twice a day. So, I am using lots of Tums and Emetrol once again in addition to the Pepcid.

So, a few interesting things. My appointment on Friday should be very interesting.

Good Health to All!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

10 April 10

I had a new, major S/S show up today.

I awoke with bilateral pain over my mid-back. Throughout the day the pain has gradually worsened. This evening I cannot sit for more than a few minutes without having to adjust due to extreme discomfort in my back. I have taken Tylenol to try and put a dent in it, but it has had zero effect.

I don't know how I'll sleep tonight, so that will be interesting. If the pain worsens I'll have to go to the hospital. Let's hope it doesn't.

I'll let you know what happens.

Good Health to All!


Friday, April 9, 2010

09 April 10

Had my blood drawn today for testing in advance of next Friday's appointment.

Today's draw was the first time I've ever had difficulty with vascular access. It took four sticks and a lot of looking to get cannulation. I suspect this is partly due to insufficient water intake over too long a time period. Even though I try to drink enough water from day to day, I know there are times when I don't get enough. Also, with edema starting to evidence in my feet, this can lend to the vascular insufficiency as well.

Also, after my blood was drawn I looked at the vials and noticed the samples were all cloudy. Looks like my blood may be getting a bit crowded with toxins my kidneys can't filter out. If this is true, it is certainly not unexpected.

That's all for now.

Good Health to All!


08 April 10

Kinda of a non-entry today, but I want to keep current.

I was supposed to do my blood draw [today] for the next nephrology appointment on the 16th. However, my head felt like it was exploding all day at about a 9 (on my scale). Hence, no leaving the house for me today.

I'll be definitely going tomorrow because the tests need to be given enough time to complete.

The test being done are the usual CBC, Renal Panel and Triglycerides.

Good Health to All!


Friday, April 2, 2010

02 April 10

I wanted to share with you a new website.

My only local dialysis treatment center is associated with the largest hospital in the area. The center, called Davita Dialysis, has a phenomenal website. I have it listed under "Helpful Renal Websites" on the right side of this blog.

Anyway, it has an unbelievable amount of information about dialysis, access point, diet and nutrition, etc. There are tons of articles, and a bunch of educational videos that discuss/teach important topics in the treatment of dialysis patients.

I've only spent about an hour on the website and have barely scratched the surface of what there is to look through. I highly recommend utilizing the information available from this, and the other websites I have listed.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to more studying on the Davita site...

Good Health to All!
