Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Post-Transplant Update: 10 October 2017

Since I began working from home, I have neglected my blog, so it is time to do at least a little catch-up. 

To start...Lab numbers.

(My latest...)

09 Oct 17

Tacrolimus: 8.5
Creatinine: 1.71
Hematocrit: 35.2
Lymphocytes: 15
Lymphocytes ABS: 1
Neutrophils: 61
Neutrophils ABS: 4.1
Red Blood Cells: 3.88
White Blood Cells: 6.5
Glomerular Filtration Rate: 44

All the labs are looking great!
My lymphocytes are bouncing around, but are not in danger of crashing to dangerous lows. With the Thymoglobulin completely out of my body, things should settle down. With everything that has happened to my body recently, I am not the least bit surprised that numbers are somewhat unstable. Plus, with my upcoming surgery, normality won't happen anytime soon.
The Tac is terrific! I am at 1.5 mg twice a day and for our current target, this is the right dosage.
The creatinine is a bit high, but considering I am fighting a cold, I'll take the 1.71!

Speaking of my cold, as per instructions, I contacted the Transplant Committee to see what meds I could take, and they responded with Benadryl, Delsym Cough Syrup (if needed) and Tylenol (2,000 mg max/day). That's it. So, THAT has been my dosing routine for fighting my first cold with a transplant. It hasn't been fun considering the awful headache that Benadryl gives me, but after five days, it is finally getting better. Another few days should do it.
I'm just glad that this cold did not do what other colds almost always do...create an upper respiratory infection that takes weeks to get over. Plus, with my transplant, I would probably end up in the hospital...again. So, I'm especially glad that that didn't happen!

My weight is constantly yo-yoing up and down. I've gotten as low as 108 Kg, and as high as 114 Kg. With all the recent high doses of prednisone, it will take time to get my weight stable. Again, with my upcoming surgery, it will just take longer than usual.

My appetite remains good, and any nausea remains minimal...a welcome change from recent years!

My energy is still quite low. I have spurts of doing a lot of things, then crash and get little else done. This will definitely not improve until I am healed up from the hernia surgery.

Other than that, the only thing to report that comes to mind is that my BP is coming down nicely. My average systolic is around 135, and the diastolic around 70.
My temp remains low at 97.7 degrees f. Pulse ranges anywhere from 58-82.

So, I have to get back to work...I will try to get another update done sooner, rather thgan later...but no guarantees on that!  :o)

Until then...

Good Health to All!


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