Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Post-Transplant Update: Oncology Doc and Transplant Team Surgeon Visit

Yesterday I met with two separate doctors, as advised by the Transplant Committee. The first was with an Oncologist to follow-up with the results of the bone biopsy I had while I was in hospital for the rejection episode. His news was basically exactly what I was expecting...take no action and just keep an eye on my WBC, and Neutrophils. He stated that more than likely, I'll need an occasional Neupogen shot, but at a lower dose (300 Mcg) than the original shot I had in late August (460 Mcg). *Mcg=Micrograms.
So, great news there.

The second doctor I had to see was one of the Transplant Team Surgeons to discuss the hernias I have in my abdominal wall. The bad news here is that I don't have two hernias... I have three. Hmm...

The top one apparently developed after my double nephrectomy back in 2013, and is located just R of the surgery scar, near the navel. This has grown large enough that it has encapsulated about 30cm of small bowel, putting me in danger of bowel strangulation. (NOT good, at all!)

The second is located near and just above the scars I have at the bottom of my main abdomen that resulted from surgeries way back in the early 80's. One was for bleeding polyps in which about 18 inches of small intestine was resected due to three bleeding polyps dragging that much intestine into the large bowel. The other was due to an exploratory abdominal surgery about two years later. It is suspected that the hernia was slow in its development.

The third was one that I knew about, and is located in the lower abdomen just to the R of the bladder. A portion of the bladder is already sitting in this hernia, and strangulation of the bladder is a very present danger.

The surgeon agreed with me that I need to give my body more time to heal, so my heart can grow stronger, and my body can adequately recover from the transplant and near rejection. As a result, and based on work things that are coming up, November 14th will be the surgery date. All three hernias will be repaired at once during a 4-6 hour surgery. I will spend between 3-5 days in hospital before coming home. Expected recovery time will be 4-6 weeks in total. 

Between now and then, I am starting a new job...It's been eight years since my kidney diagnosis, so working will be VERY different from my familiar routine! This job quite literally fell in my lap when a long-time friend decided to start a business and she wants me on board with her new company. Because of everything that has happened lately, I get to work from home as much as I need, for as long as I want. That way I can recover properly, get exercising (when I'm allowed, that is!) and fully regain my strength and stamina WITHOUT the added pressure of going to work at an office all day. What a huge blessing this is! Plus, I get to travel around the country, too. Not a bad gig!

So, that is the latest on that front. More surgery ahead, but that should be the last major hurdle before my complete healing really takes off.

Since I haven't given my numbers lately, here are the very latest...

Tac: 9.3
Creat: 1.59
WBC's: 5.0
RBC's: 3.91
HCT: 36.7
Lymph: 16.5
Lymph ABS: 0.8
GFR: 48
BUN: 35
Glucose: 105
Phos: 3.3
Neutrophil Auto: 62.9
Neutrophil ABS: 3.2

The Tac is a little higher than what is wanted, but my daily dosage was increased by 0.50 mg last week at Kidney Clinic. I expect that dosage to drop again on Thursday. Most of the other numbers are good, but not great. As the kidney continues to heal, these should normalize and stay consistent.

That is all I have for now. A mixed bag of news, to be sure. So...on we go, moving ever forward and keeping my head up, my mind in a great place and my spirits high.
Until next time...

Good Health to All!


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