Friday, April 19, 2013

19 April 2013

Time to get on with the latest entry.

Dialysis Weights:

09 April 13
Starting Weight:  105.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.6 Kg
Water Removed:  1.60 Kg

11 April 13
Starting Weight:  105.9 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.9 Kg
Water Removed:  2.00 Kg

13 April 13
Starting Weight:  106.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.6 Kg
Water Removed:  1.60 Kg

16 April 13
Starting Weight:  106.7 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.3 Kg
Water Removed:  2.40 Kg

18 April 13
Starting Weight:  105.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.9 Kg
Water Removed:  1.70 Kg

So, it really does appear--at least for now--that the wide weight fluctuations have stopped. Between my efforts to reduce my fluid intake and my decreased appetite, this is why we're seeing a stabilization. Or, it's because my body is just giving me a break. In either case...I'll take whatever I can get!  :o)

Also doing better, the flank pain. I certainly don't mind this reduction one bit! More than likely it's because some cysts popped on my kidneys. So, until others grow large, the respite from the severe pain is most welcomed!

The headache, on the other hand, is going as strong as ever. A part of the headache is the poor sleep I've been getting lately. My dialysis naps are restless, my nighttime sleep is restless and I wake up too early and can't get back to sleep which leaves me dragging all day and taking multiple naps wherever I happen to be. In all, I am getting about 11 hours of sleep per day; but feel as if I've had half that much.

Adding to feeling exhausted are the multiple body aches I'm having every day, all day.
I know that a large part of this is due to the cramping I get after dialysis. My legs are constantly sore because of this. Even with drinking Smart Water, the cramping still happens; just not as severely as they would without it. And because of the body aches I know that I am not holding my body very well and am likely compensating with muscles I shouldn't be using so much. But, I do what I must to get through every day. Like any other thing like this, once I realize what I'm doing I consciously correct my posture and relieve some of the strain.

Back on the dialysis front, over the last few treatments (Tx's) I have noticed that the lidocane cream has not been very effective. When I was stuck yesterday it felt like I hadn't applied the cream at all. Right now I apply it one hour prior to canulation. I am thinking of upping that to and hour and fifteen minutes. I'll let you know what I do next.

One of my personal projects I work on every day is nearing completion--or, at least this stage of it. I have, over the past twenty four months, been scanning all of my lifetime of photography onto an external hard drive. 3600+ slides (my preferred medium), plus a thousand or so photographs. Then, I had to go through those slides and decide the ones I want to use for possible business purposes. That ended up at 700+ photos. Then, I had to go through those 700+ slides, clean them up (dust, lint, processing marks, etc), and then restore them to their natural colors, contrasts, etc. How could I possibly know this? Because I can remember where I took each photo, the lighting, the colors and anything unique about the day it was taken. Once I reach the right color it is just sort of an Aha! moment and I know that I'm done on that photo. It's been a long, exhaustive process. I should be finished up with it in about a month, or so. It feels good to accomplish this daunting task; but I am grateful for having the time to do it. Otherwise, this could have taken years to finish.

And that is all of my news least all that I can remember. Remember, I am doing Twitter updates. You can find me at: ScottW @HCB63. Leave me a comment on Twitter, or here, if you'd like.

Have an Awesome week, my friends!

Good Health to All!


(My latest self-pic. Taken a couple of days ago.)

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