Wednesday, May 25, 2011

25 May 2011

Here's the latest news on the kidney disease front...

*Kidney Function 18.2% (a slight 0.6% bump...NOT unexpected)
*Weight  260 lbs  (a drop of 6 lbs)

*NA+  141  (NR 135-148)
*K+ 4.4  (NR 3.5-5.5) Unchanged
*Glucose 97  (NR 65-109) Decrease of 1
*BUN 42.0  (NR 5-26) Increase of 3
*Creatinine 3.8  (NR 0.5-1.5) Decrease of 0.1
*Calcium 9.8  (NR 8.5-10.6) Decrease of 0.3
*WBC's 5.53  (NR 4.5-11) Increase of 0.45
*RBC's 4.03  (NR 4.7-6.1) Increase of 0.08 
*Hematocrit 32.9  (NR 42-52) Increase of 0.7

*Also, the continues to be zero indication of diabetes, liver impairment, cardiopulmonary edema, etc. Everything STILL remains solely about the PCKD...What a relief!

*Blue indicates improvement/Red indicates decline

So basically, in spite of how bad I've been feeling, I have actually stayed steady over the course of the last 30 days.

However, my doc also stated that they way I've been feeling will only get worse as organ failure increases. So, we again discussed both the major and minor S/S's indicating the need for immediate dialysis, or impending organ failure.

So, that's the latest. The really good news here is that there is still time for the AV Fistula to strengthen and mature; so, the possible need for a surgical shunt diminishes with each passing week. I'll gladly accept THAT news!

Keep Smiling Everyone!

Good Health To All!


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