Friday, October 29, 2010

29 Oct. 2010

No let up in the day to day.

In fact, the last day and a half have been worse than how I've been feeling the past few weeks. Tuesday I was feeling really blah all day. I went out to help with errands that evening, and in the middle of grocery shopping, I became overwhelmingly nauseated. It literally hit me within just a very few minutes. It didn't let up all evening, and I ended up taking a full dose of the anti-emetic.

I slept only fitfully, and upon awaking, felt as if I hadn't taken any meds at all [for the nausea]. Within about thirty minutes I took a half dose of Promethazine, as well as a T3 for my raging headache. I ate nothing until 830p simply because I was feeling terrible all day. Additionally, my whole body is feeling more blah than ever, and I've had numerous body aches. Plus, I had 5 bouts of diarrhea yesterday. On top of everything, I slept an additional two hours after being awake for just three hours. On waking, the nausea was still intense, and my headache was awful. (NOT a good day!)

As of this writing (at 0544a on Friday, 29 Oct.), I am still awake because of how I'm feeling. I've been tired now for about three hours, but cannot sleep. Enough time has now passed that I can safely take another dose of Promethazine, and of T3. A little relief (and sleep) will be very welcomed!

I know my entry today doesn't sound up at all; but that's OK. I've had a really tough few days, and I'm still feeling terrible as I get close to going back to sleep. Hopefully, more rest will help everything to settle down.

So, that's all for now. I will hopefully have a better report, and be better sounding on my next entry.

Good Health to All!


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