Monday, October 18, 2010

18 Oct. 2010

The latest news...

In spite of feeling absolutely terrible, my latest Glomelular Filtration Rate (GFR)/Kidney Function has actually bounced upwards to 22.2%...which technically puts me out of End Stage...for now. My nephrologist stated that it is not unusual to see bounces like this. He also stated that I could very well go right back down to Stage 5.

The other news:

-The blood in my urine is at 172 mg/dl (severe is 1000+ mg/dl) and is essentially unchanged; though the protein wastes are increased over last visit (don't know numbers).

-Particulates in the urine are increased.

-RBC production continues to be anemic at 37% hematocrit (unchanged).

-BUN is 40.0 (5-26 normal)

-Serum Creatinine is 3.2 (0.5-1.5 normal)

-A number of blood components are on the high end of the scale (meaning they are not being filtered out).

-Other blood wastes are on the high end of the scale.

-My blood glucose is at 95 (65-109).

-Parathyroid Hormone is good, though near the top end of the normal scale.

So, what does all of this mean?

Well, I am still in a holding pattern. Though I am not declining, my doctor is very concerned with how I've been feeling. He could not give me an indication about what might happen over the next few months. I could stay the same, decline a little, or crash suddenly. It really comes down to what my body is going to do; and there is no way to know just what that is. We simply have to wait and see.

The good news is that I am still only dealing with PCKD. No diabetic development; no liver impairment; no signs of CVA, AMI, Pulmonary Edema, etc.

I must admit that I'm a bit bummed that, after feeling so lousy for so long, I am no closer to real adjunctive treatment than I was four months ago. On the other hand, it is what it is; and now I have to eliminate the self-pity and concentrate on holding steady as my body gets itself sorted as to what it's going to do.

(Deep breath....)

So, on we go. My next appointment is in six weeks (30 Nov). Until then, I will continue on from day to day, doing the very best that I can. Things will continue to be tough; but there's no sense to giving in to discouragement and despair. Doing so will only make what I'm having to go through even harder than it already is. Besides, like I've already stated, giving up is just not in the cards; it's not who or what I am, and I cannot even consider it [from a rational point of view].

So... Positivity, Strength, Patience, Endurance, Faith.

For me, those are the keys to being and doing my best every day.

Thank you for continuing with me on this journey.

Good Health to All.


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