Let's start with my November Labs...
02 Nov 21 Labs:
*Creat: 3.49 (+0.23)
*HCT: 34.7 (+0.5) Low
*Hemo: 10.9 (+0.1) IR
*RBC: 3.82 (+0.05) Extremely Low
*WBC: 7.7 (+0.5) IR
*BUN: 49 (+3) Extremely High
*CA: 9.6 (NC) IR
*GFR: 18 (-2) Extremely Low
*K+: 3.9 (+0.4) IR
*NA+: 140 (+3) IR
*Phos: 4.5 (+0.8) IR
NC= No Change IR= In Range
There is nothing or any real significance on these labs.
While they are by no means "stable," and I am definitely headed towards dialysis, this set of labs simply looks like the kidney is worsening, but incrementally.
And on that note, I have seen more signs that the kidney is struggling. I am gaining--and holding--onto new weight that is NOT from muscle buildup. Even taking extra Torsemide is having little effect on ridding the extra water from my body. As of this morning, my weight sits at 118.2 Kgs!
In order to try to combat this, I have added an extra 10 Mg of Torsemide every day. (I believe that I mentioned this on my last post.) With doing this my weight remained somewhat stable, hovering between 115.9-116.7 Kgs. Only over this past week has my weight suddenly, inexplicably gained another kilogram plus.
Additionally, I have had four days out of the last ten, or so, that I have felt sick again. It wasn't anything huge, or debilitating; but it was there, and it felt lousy! The latest incident was just yesterday. I awoke feeling more tired than usual, and then had a non-TMD headache come on slowly, followed by that feeling sick. By noon, I had no energy, my head was in terrible pain, and I felt awful! This lasted all afternoon, and I finally felt relief at around 700p.
My urine has also been smelling stronger, more odiferous. This is happening both day and night. The color remains fairly consistent; which is mostly clear with a slight yellow tinting.
Energy-wise, I am seeing greater and greater loss in my overall energy. I am only averaging two workouts each week, and if my energy saps even more, even that number will decrease.
I am getting overly sleepy once more, and take short 10-15 minute naps several times each day.
I do not know what triggered this suddenly downturn, but I am trying every day to do as much as I can without thoroughly exhausting myself, and then taking days to recover.
My sleep is good, and my dreams remain completely under my control.
Despite the new developments, I still do not feel like it is time for dialysis.
My appetite remains commensurate with my exercise and activity level. The headaches have definitely ramped up; both TMD and non-TMD related. I have reminding myself numerous times every day to relax my face, shoulders, back, etc. The acupuncture is still doing its job of healing the neuropathy.
That's all for now.
My brain and body are tired, and I am feeling terribly sleepy....again.
So, I will wish you all the very best!
Good Health to All!
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