Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 10 February 2021

 My wife's new work schedule is kicking my butt!

It's not that it's difficult getting her out the door, but with my not getting good sleep over the last two to three weeks, getting up at 630A, along with her lunch prep, breakfast, doing things for the home-based business, getting computer and housework done--as I am able--getting as many workouts in as possible, and cooking dinner every night...I am dragging. As a result, things like this blog get left off my normal routine. 

Also, as on the January lab draw, I have no lab results to publish! There is no indication as to why these results are not available to me, but I do not like being in the dark about my Lymphocytes, RBC, WBC, BUN, GFR and Creatinine. I will see my Nephrologist next month and ask him why my lab results are not available.

Overall, my day to day is up and down. Today, as I write this, is a bad day. My TMD is awful, I have no energy and I feel like garbage. It is just one of those days that you just have to get through so that you can feel better the next day.

In regards to my headaches, I had been doing a little better as the acupuncture is making headway against them. For a couple of weeks through yesterday, my pain med usage was down, as was my use of Excedrin. It was good to have some hours every day with no headaches at all. Yesterday, all of that changed however, as a sudden and massive TMD headache (going from a 2 to a solid 8 within seconds) hit me on my way to my Chiropractic and Acupuncture appointment. These treatments helped for a few hours, but it roared back by late afternoon, staying at an 8+ for the remainder of the evening, through the night, and throughout today with pain meds just keeping it from exploding to a solid 10. 

So, lots of fun there...

That is all I can type today. Between my headache and energy level, my brain is mush. I will get another entry done early next week.

Until then,

Good Health to All!


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