Saturday, November 7, 2020

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 07 November 2020

 I had meant to get this entry done last week, but a number of factors prevented that from happening. These included headaches, exhaustion, feeling lousy, medical appointments and the home-based business we are trying to get moving forward. So, let's get right into things starting with the latest lab results...

27 Oct 20 Labs:

*Creat:   4.25 (-0.08)

*HCT:   33.5 (+1.4) Low

*Hemo:   10.3 (-0.2) IR

*Lymph:   5.1 (+0.7) Extremely Low

*Lymph ABS:   0.5 (+0.1) Very Low

*RBC:   3.55 (-0.12) Extremely Low

*WBC:   8.8 (+0.7) IR

*Ketones:   Negative

*BUN:   54 (+1) Extremely High

*CA:   9.3 (-0.9) IR

*GFR:   14 (NC) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   95

*K+:   4.2 (+0.1) IR

*NA+:   138 (+1) IR

*MG:   2.2 (NC) IR

*Phos:   4.8 (-0.3) IR

*Prot:   7.0 (-0.1) IR

*B12:   1125 (NR 345-1485)

*Folate:   14.6 (Normal 18.5)

*Retic Ct:   33.5 (NR: 29.7-37.9) 

              NC= No Change          IR= In Range

All of my usual labs reflect the recent trends throughout. I am pleased, though, that my Glucose was normal.

I have only highlighted three additional labs that the Kidney Clinic ordered to check on whether or not I might have anemia, which would explain my excessive tiredness lately. Unfortunately, all three factors came back normal; so no readily apparent explanation as of now.

Also last Tuesday was my latest Belatacept infusion. Aside from the veins in my L arm being a bit ornery in allowing for canulation (two sticks and a bit of fishing were invloved; but the IV was patent), the infusion went well, and again, no untowards S/E (side effects).

Also during that span of no blog entries, I went a full week between workouts either because of severe headaches, some lingering dizziness or just feeling lousy. I finally got a workout done after an eight day gap; and surprisingly, I completed my full regimen of exercises. I am scheduled for my next effort this afternoon and, seeing that my headache is under control and I have some energy, the workout will definitely happen.

Next, despite the acupuncture, my NTI devices and my focusing on keeping my face relaxed, the headaches have been constant and nearly unremittent. I have days where they are down a notch or two, but for the most part, my headaches have consistently been ranging between 7-9 every day. This is NOT fun!

My appetite remains good, and I continue to void all fluids that I take in every day. Right now, my weight is hovering between 118.3-119.1 Kgs. I am hoping to get under 118 Kgs in the next week, or two...then start on hitting 116.

With the exhaustion, this is hard to figure out. Some of it comes from my medications. Ever since the Clonidine was upped, I once again fall asleep easily within an hour [of taking it]. I thought that my body had gotten past this, but I was wrong. For now, I have found that if I allow myself to sleep for even 15-30 minutes, the excessive tiredness  diminishes. So, I try to do that at least once each day in order to try to have a productive day.

My sleep has been good, and I have been getting about 6-7 hours per night...aside from my usual 2-4 times of nightly bladder relief.  And my dreams remain completely under my control, as well.

Here is where I'll conclude for today. I need my lunch, then let it settle for at least an hour before I start my workout. Plus, I have business things to get to, as well. 

I will try to get another entry done during the coming week...hopefully.

Stay strong, healthy and safe in this most unusual of years!

Good Health to All!


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