Thursday, July 2, 2020

Transplant Rejection Update: 02 July 2020

A mixed bag of news for you this week.

My exercising is going well. While I am still getting at it every other day, my abbreviated workout continues to improve. The current weight I am working with is 90 pounds. As of yesterday, I have had three sessions at that weight. The first session I reduced my total rows to 30, with a very brief rest after 20. I did the same with the leg press and the lat pull-downs.
For the second workout, and again yesterday, I completed all thirty of each exercise without resting after the first twenty reps.
Plus, I started exploring two additional exercises with very brief ten rep goes. The first is a lat pull-down with the hands together, like you are performing a pullup on a bar. The second is a lat push-down. Both of these new exercises worked my abdomen more, but did not strain it.
On my next workout I will keep the weight the same, but add both of the new exercises at 30 reps each.
Depending on that result, I may or may not add another ten pounds on the following workout.

Though my headaches continue their cyclical ups and downs, this past week showed a marked uptick in both the TMD-related and non-TMD headaches. I saw few times (either day or night) that were headache-free. While my sleep hasn't been great, it is no different than when my headaches of all types were significantly reducing in both intensity and frequency. The only difference now is that my labs are clearly worse; like when my original PCKD was worsening and the headaches just got worse and worse. It will be interesting to see how this goes.

My labs are also a mixed bad...

30 Jun 20 Labs:

*Creat:   4.10 

*HCT:   33.6 (-0.3) Low

*Hemo:   10.7 (+0.1) IR

*Lymph:   4.0 (-3.5) Very Low

*Lymph ABS:   0.3 (-0.3) Very Low

*Neut:   85.0 (+9.5) Very High

*Neut ABS:   6.7 (+1.2) IR

*RBC:   3.77 (+0.02) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.9 (+0.6) IR

*BUN:   49 (-8) Extremely High

*CA:   9.8 (+0.4) IR

*GFR:   15 (-4) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   110

*K+:   4.0 (+0.1) IR

*NA+:   138 (+1) IR

*Prot:   6.9 (NC) IR

*MG:   2.0 (-0.2) IR

*Phos:   5.0 (-0.5) IR
         NC= No Change          IR=In Range

The two blatantly bad numbers are the Creatinine and the Lymphocytes. With the Creatinine being so high, you would think that I would receive a call from the Transplant Clinic; but I did not as we are in a wait and observe mode. I figure that so long as I do not receive an urgent call from the clinic, that I have nothing to be worried about...yet.
The big drop in the Lymphocytes, while not unexpected, actually defies the latest trend of a drop followed by at least a small rebound. I must be almost paranoid any time I venture away from home; especially with the pandemic picking up steam once more. Plus, my wife also has to be on high alert so that she does not bring anything home that could endanger me.

Other than the highlighted results, my labs this weeks aren't actually too bad. 
A total of nine of these lab values are within acceptable ranges. So while my body struggles to work with the kidney, some beneficial filtering is obviously ongoing; especially considering my Protein, Potassium, Magnesium and Sodium results. 

Speaking of filtering, my kidney continues to process all of my daily fluid intake. 
I am basically maintaining my weight (121.6 Kg as of this A.M.), and I am seeing zero peripheral edema up to this point. 

My energy remains decent; my appetite is good; my sleep continues to range from poor to good, and my brain is in a good place despite knowing that things will be going downhill in the near future. 

Things that I am once again paying attention to (like being on dialysis): Smelling ammonia (occasionally), smelling like ammonia (not yet), peripheral edema (none), appetite/appetite fatigue (no changes), overall energy level (decent) and clarity of thought (still good). I do not dwell at all on any of these, but will pay attention when they happen so that I can relay that info to my doctors.

Not a bad week...aside from  the highlighted labs. I look forward to another good week in which I also have labs and my July infusion of Belatacept.

Until next time...

Good Health to All!


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