Friday, April 3, 2020

Post-Transplant Update: 03 April 2020

A limited update!

I received two calls from the Transplant Clinic doctors on Wednesday afternoon. They are very concerned about the Creatinine, my overall blood pressures and my worsening tiredness. However, because of the current Chinese Virus pandemic, a patient must be emergent (suddenly critical or necessary) before the hospital can redirect resources away from that fight.

So for right now, I have two med changes.

1) Double the daily intake of Myfortic [to 720 mgs 2x/day], just in case my White Cell count suddenly spikes due to a rejection or a rejection episode.

2) Increase my Clonidine intake (0.2 mg) from twice each day to three times. It is hoped that the added BP med will help mitigate any further increases in my blood pressure readings.

Also, I am to watch for any unusual or worsening peripheral edema, despite my use of the powerful diuretic, Torsemide.

Last, I am to do full weekly labs once more, starting on Monday. Full labs include, CBC, Renal Panel, Urinalysis, Magnesium, Phosphorous, etc.

IF my lab results continue to worsen, the doctors will move to diagnostics, and hospitalization, if needed.

Fun stuff!

And with the pandemic, the timing couldn't be worse.

I am hoping that all I need is a med adjustment; but with the Creatinine spiking, and the sudden edema in my lower legs I had last evening, a med change may not be enough.
Here are the possible outcomes:

Best case scenario...

The med changes work, and I continue moving forward.

The mildly bad case scenario...

I am having a rejection episode requiring hospitalization and knocking down what immune system I still have for a fourth time.

Worst case scenario...

I lose the kidney, have to go back on dialysis and await another transplant.

I cannot say that this is wholly unexpected. After all, a transplant is merely a treatment and NOT a cure!

Things can and do go wrong with a transplant. That is the reality. If you cannot accept that basic fact, then you have no business receiving one. 

Anyhow, I will get down off my soap box. My lab results will be posted on Monday afternoon, along with any sudden instructions, should the numbers dictate.

Until then, continue to stay safe, doing all you must in order to keep the spread of this deadly virus from exploding.

Good Health to All!


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