Sunday, August 20, 2017

Post-Transplant Update: 20 August 2017

Well, my latest labs came back on Friday, but because of a busy schedule with family, I am just now sitting down to update my blog. So let's get right into it...

17 Aug Labs

Tac: 9.6 (-2.5 from 14 Aug)

Creatinine: 1.72 (-0.28)

WBC's:  2.5 (+0.6)

RBC's:  3.77 (+0.12)

HCT: 34.5 (+0.2)

Lymph: 17.1 (-5.90)

Lymph ABS: 0.4 (NC)

GFR: 44 (+7)

BUN: 43 (-4)

Glucose: 96 (-2)

Phos: 3.3 (-0.9)

*NC = No Change
*NR = Normal Range
      = Good, or Positive change
      = Bad, or Negative change
      = Within NR

The following numbers notate the numerical Normal Ranges of the values listed above...
(Current Targets are established by the Transplant Committee.)

*Tacrolimus: Current Target 6.0-9.0
*Creatinine: 1.40 and below
*White Blood Cells: 3.6 Minumum
*Red Blood Cells: 4.50 to 5.90
*Hematocrit: 41.0 to 53.0
*Lymphocytes: Current Target 20.0 to 30.0
*Lymphocytes ABS: Current Target 0.4 to 0.6
*Glomerular Filtration Rate: Current Target 40-60
*Blood Urea Nitrogen: 8 to 20
*Glucose: 60-100
*Phosphorous: 2.30 to 4.70

The Lymphocytes are still in the process of stabilization now that the Thymoglobulin from the transplant surgery is mostly out of my body. Once it settles above twenty for a consistent number of weeks, I can stop wearing surgical masks when I am out and about, aside from times when I am near children, babies, anyone with colds, the flu, live virus vaccinations, or am in a small enclosed space with others. Any of these factors can endanger the kidney for the remainder of my life, so caution to the point of near paranoia is highly warranted.

The rest of these lab values will fluctuate just like in normal, healthy adults; but they should always be in the normal ranges. My values should eventually settle into those ranges, though any variations will not be unexpected as there are numerous metabolic and external factors which could affect them. My job in this regard is to take the necessary precautions and healthy living to help assure consistency in these labs.

The TMD headaches had gone down to manageable levels for a few days in the middle of the week--when I say manageable levels I mean (on a scale of 1-10) no headache is greater than a 6--though yesterday it ramped up to a solid 9, and has remained at that level. Hopefully, by relaxing all day, that number will fall once again. Just as soon as I can lay on my stomach I will get back to my chiropractor who will not only adjust my spine, but will also do acupuncture on my jaw, head and neck in order to, over time, help further reduce the headaches to minimal levels. As I have stated before, the TMD has previously been under complete control (for 10 years, no less!), and will be once again; but achieving that will simply take time.

That is all I have for now. My next lab draw is tomorrow morning (Monday), so a Tuesday entry will be in order. Also this week is my three month follow-up Echocardiogram, then meeting with the team Cardiologist. Hopefully, he fluid will be gone from my R Atrium, and only manageable damage will have occurred. I will definitely let you know the results of that test. I will include that info in my blog entry following my Thursday labs and my appointment with the Kidney Clinic that same day.

Until my next entry,

Good Health to All!


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