Wednesday, January 25, 2017

25 January 2017

I realize that I haven't updated my blog as I had promised, but I have some exciting news today...

While I was sleeping yesterday from my post-D nap, I received a phone call from Transplant!
Yep! You read that correctly...I received a call from transplant!  :o) 

They did NOT officially offer me a kidney, but asked the following questions as a screening process for a possible donation:
-Are you, or have you been sick at any time in the last week?  (No)
-When was your last dialysis session?  (Today)
-Have you received any blood transfusions recently?  (No)
-Have you had any recent hospitalizations?  (No)

The Transplant Rep then explained that while a kidney was becoming available, the likelihood that I would be offered this kidney was somewhat low, but that I should stand by my phone should I be the right fit. Also, my latest monthly lab draw for the transplant committee was being cross-matched for antigens (antibodies), which I know to be zero--a very good thing. Further, I would be called again within four to five hours with the lab results and a possible offer.

So, I could no longer sleep--quite understandably!--but spent my afternoon trying to keep my excitement in check. I notified a few people of the possibility, then waited until just after 800p, when the Transplant Rep called once again.
She stated that while my antigens were indeed at zero, I was not being offered the kidney. However, I was to still keep my phone on and charged should the situation change over the following 10-12 hours. as of now, another twelve hours has passed with no further contact from transplant.

The exciting part here is that, after almost seven and a half years that has passed since this all began, and after four and a half years on dialysis, I am finally getting calls about possible transplant offers! I am soooooooo close to getting my kidney! When I say that it could be at any time, I mean that in the most literal sense!

I am NOT disappointed that I wasn't offered the kidney. Not at all! I am just excited that my turn is finally close! I already knew that once you start receiving calls, a kidney is not far behind, so why would I be anything but excited?!

Stay tuned!  :o)


1 comment:

  1. All ways thinking of you thoughts are with you. Fingers and toes crossed for "The Call" to come soon. Love You.
