Wednesday, January 21, 2015

21 January 2015

Time for an update...

Dialysis Weights:

06 Jan 15
Starting Weight:  99.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  95.9 Kg
Water Removed:  3.40 Kg

08 Jan 15
Starting Weight:  97.8 Kg
Ending Weight:  95.5 Kg
Water Removed:  2.30 Kg

10 Jan 15
Starting Weight:  97.7 Kg
Ending Weight:  95.8 Kg
Water Removed:  1.90 Kg

13 Jan 15
Starting Weight:  99.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  95.7 Kg
Water Removed:  3.30 Kg

15 Jan 15
Starting Weight:  97.9 Kg
Ending Weight:  95.8 Kg
Water Removed:  2.10 Kg

17 Jan 15
Starting Weight:  97.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  95.9 Kg
Water Removed:  1.60 Kg

20 Jan 15
Starting Weight:  99.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  95.6 Kg
Water Removed:  4.10 Kg

Once more, consistency is the word of the day. For anyone wondering how this consistency happens, the answer is both simple, and [fairly] easy...Self-Discipline.
Don't get me wrong...adhering to the renal diet and fluid intake is really tough. Every day I personally struggle with extreme thirst. But, a long time ago I chose to do what I had to in order to get through this in the best possible shape. That means, sticking to the renal diet(--well...OK, a little cheating is involved every so often!), and consciously limiting my fluid intake to approximately 34-36 fluid ounces per day. It's not easy getting used to restricting foods and liquids; but, as long as you keep the proper mindset, the task becomes easier to bear.

My labs this month look great! Here they are:

(January 2015 Labs)

*Albumin (16 Dec): 4.30 g/dL     (-0.30 from 18 Nov)
  (A measure of Protein in the blood)     NR (Normal Range) 4.0 g/dL or Higher

*Hemoglobin (06 Jan): 11.20 G/dL    (+0.20 G/dL from 02 Dec)
  (A Measure of Anemia)

*Ca Corrected (06 Jan): 9.20 mg/dL     (-0.10 mg/dL from 02 Dec)
  (A measure of Heart and Bone health)     NR 8.40 to 10.20 mg/dL

*Phosphorous (06 Jan:  5.00 mg/dL    (+0.10 mg/dL from 02 Dec)
  (High Phosphorous affects the health of your Heart and Bones)     NR 3.0 to 5.5 mg/dL

*PTH Intact (16 Dec):  174 pg/mL     (-78 pg/mL from 18 Nov)
  (A measure of Vitamin D absorption and bone and tissue health)     NR 150 to 600 pg/mL

*K+ (13 Jan):  5.0 mEq/L    (-1.00 from 02 Dec)
  (Proper potassium levels keep your nerves and muscles working well)     NR 3.5 to 5.5 mEq/L

*spKdt/V Dialysis (06 Jan):  1.69     (-0.04 from 02 Dec)

  (A measure of the effectiveness of dialysis and blood filtering.)     NR 1.20 or Higher 
Even the two reds I have are drops that are well within acceptable limits. In spite of Christmas and New Years (traditionally a very bad month for dialysis patients), my labs stayed right where they needed to be; and in the case of Potassium (K+), even dropped significantly! Yay!!  :o)

The URI I was combating in my last entry has pretty much resolved itself. As is usual with me, I continue hacking phlegm out of my lungs, and will do so for a few more weeks.

As you can see on my weights, I am dropping my dry weight again. For now, the goal is 95.8 Kg; but, my next target is 95.5 Kg. I've been having cramping in both feet; and until that resolves, I won't be trying to drop any further. At today's post_D weight, my cramping was significant, so it may be a couple more weeks before I deliberately try for 95.5 Kg.

Even though my weight has decreased significantly, I continue to have issues with water hiding under my diaphragm, leading to Respiritory Compromise. This doesn't always happen, but when it does, it nails me hard. Yesterday was a prime example. I started feeling the restricted breathing on Sunday evening, but decided to sleep in the bed anyway. Bad move on my part. When I awoke on Monday, the restriction has increased exponentially, and breathing was difficult in general. I only slept a few fitful hours on Monday night, struggling all night to breath comfortably.
No, I did NOT go to the ER because they would simply put me on O2, then watch me until it was time for me to go to dialysis; which I did at my usual Tuesday time (0600a!).
I used Oxygen (O2, at 4.00 L/Min) to help force better air into my body. Within half an hour I was comfortable and breathing normal.
This restrictive breathing is not an all the time thing. I went weeks between significant episodes. For me, the water sometimes just likes to collect under or near my diaphragm, instead of going to my legs, arms, back, etc. Plus, I haven't been having much diarrhea lately,which in and of itself is a very good thing, which would also aid in reducing my total water volume.

My sleep has been pretty good the last few weeks. I've been getting about seven hours on S/M/W/F, and about five hours on the nights just prior to dialysis. add in a few short naps each day, and my total sleep is pretty decent at about 8-9 hours each day. Plus, the quality of my sleep is better overall. Then, add in better control of my dreams, and I am seeing better and longer single nights' sleep than I've had in several years. I'll definitely take that improvement!

And that is about all I have for today. Everything else is either on auto pilot, or in a holding pattern as I await "the Call."

Good Health to All!



My Latest Self Port...

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