Wednesday, May 28, 2014

28 May 2014

See? What did I tell you?

I said that time is just zooming by; and here it is a full twenty days since my last posting! Even though I didn't sleep last night, I can't let this go one more day...

Dialysis Weights:

10 May 14
Starting Weight:  103.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.6 Kg
Water Removed:  3.90 Kg

13 May 14
Starting Weight:  105.4 Kg
Ending Weight:  100.7 Kg
Water Removed:  4.70 Kg

15 May 14
Starting Weight:  103.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  98.8 Kg
Water Removed:  4.70 Kg

17 May 14
Starting Weight:  102.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.9 Kg
Water Removed:  2.60 Kg

20 May 14
Starting Weight:  103.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.4 Kg
Water Removed:  3.60 Kg

22 May 14
Starting Weight:  101.6 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.50 Kg

24 May 14
Starting Weight:  102.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  98.8 Kg
Water Removed:  3.20 Kg

27 May 14
Starting Weight:  103.2 Kg
Ending Weight:  99.3 Kg
Water Removed:  3.90 Kg

Aside from the one post-weekend day, my entry weights have again remained consistent. At this stage of the game, 'consistency' is a very good thing! It means that I am controlling my fluids, controlling my food intake and getting at least a little exercise.
On the exit weights, I have obviously been giving back too much, at times. There isn't much of anything I can do about this as I have zero conscious control over how my body does during dialysis.  Luckily, the cramping has been minimal. However, I have been dizzy on standing almost always; but this is also due to my low BP that is happening following each treatment (Tx).

And speaking of Blood Pressure...Last week, after meeting with my Nephrologist [during Tx], he took me off one half of my BP med--the Atenolol. So, at this point I am taking just 50 mg/day; even then my BP is still on the low side. It will take about three full weeks before the lower dosage can be properly gauged in its effectiveness as it takes that long for the higher dose to be eliminated from the body. In other words, the 'therapeutic level' must reduce to the current level of meds; and that simply takes time.
Right now, my avg BP entering dialysis is about 130/75. On exit it is 103/64. The top number is good; but the exit number is actually too low. That is why the med reduction happened. I need to have the exit number be a bit higher...somewhere in the 110/70-120/80 range. The dizziness I am having should stop once I achieve that.

Since my last update [on 09 May], I have run the gamut in how I have been feeling. There were a number of days in a row that saw me wake up and immediately go into the bathroom to throw up, then feel really lousy the rest of the day. I was keeping Zofran (anti-emetic) in my regularly for over a full week. Since then things have calmed down. I still get nauseated, but I haven't been vomiting in eight days now. As always, I will certainly take any small victories I can attain.

My sleep has been improving. I seem to be sleeping deeper, and all of my dreams are in my complete control. I'm still getting too much sleep; but I seem to be dragging less than just a couple of weeks ago.

My appetite has been awful. Most days I can barely taste food; and everything is just unappealing. I am often eating only because I need food in my body--which is discouraging because I need to eat lots of protein to remain as healthy as I can.  Hopefully this is just part of the ebb and flow that my appetite has been going through. Time will tell.

That's all I have now. My lack of sleep is catching up to me, so I am going to go sleep in my recliner for a few hours.

Good Health to All!



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