Friday, January 31, 2014

31 January 2014

The end of January is already here! At least this was a memorable month with my getting placed on the Active List!

Dialysis Weights:

23 Jan 14
Starting Weight:  106.4 Kg
Ending Weight:  102.8 Kg
Water Removed:  3.60 Kg

25 Jan 14
Starting Weight:  107.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.0 Kg
Water Removed:  4.00 Kg

28 Jan 14
Starting Weight:  107.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.4 Kg
Water Removed:  4.10 Kg

30 Jan 14
Starting Weight:  107.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.4 Kg
Water Removed:  3.60 Kg

I am struggling to go progressively lower on my dry weights; but for good reason. I continued to battle ongoing nausea until earlier this week. I saw my doc as he came by the dialysis center, told him about the nausea, and he took me off the Zantac and prescribed Rx Prilosec 40 mg, 1x/day. I decided to start taking it that night (at 11p). Ever since, my nausea is completely gone!
As my daughter pointed out, my battling the nausea added to my water weight because of needing to drink added fluids to accompany meds, try to calm the nausea, etc. Over the next few weeks it will be interesting to see if my control over fluid intake is increased, and I am able to lower my dry weight again. Time will tell.
As instructed, I have informed my Transplant Coordinator about the Rx change so the Committee is current on all my meds. This is vital for anyone on a Transplant list! If they do not have all of your current meds on file, it could cost you a transplant opportunity, making you wait until later. So, be sure you communicate any changes in your condition, care or meds!

My BP (Blood Pressure) has been high since Christmas. I'm hoping the now ceased nausea will help that to come down. My Nephrologist isn't too concerned, at this point. He stated that it is most likely from my body adjusting to no kidneys. If it continues, we may look at BP meds; but for now, we're concentrating on reducing my water weight.

My sleep continues to be a lot better! My naps are fewer, and the quality of my sleep is vastly improved. My total dialysis day sleep hours are about the same, but the rest of my sleep is better, longer and far more restful.

Along those lines, my dreams are in my complete control. I haven't had a bad dream in weeks. This directly ties in to my successful nephrectomy, the healing [from the surgery] and my getting on the Active List.

My strength still has a long way to go. With all the nausea I've had, I haven't felt up to doing much walking, so I am way behind on where I wanted to be, strength-wise, by this point. However, since there is no average for how long healing and strengthening should take (because ever patient is different), I am concentrating on keeping my mind in a good place, avoiding frustration that can set in because of the delay in my getting better on both the healing and the strengthening. I just have to roll with whatever comes up, and always try to press forward as I can.

That's all for now.

Have a great week!

Good Health to All!


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