Monday, December 2, 2013

02 December 2013

I am finally feeling up to writing my surgery report for you. The medical records I want have not yet arrived; but as soon as I have them, I will share those with you as well. For now, let's just go with the things I recall...

My surgery time actually got bumped due to a transplant that came up. Instead of an 0800a time, it was at 1200p. I arrived at IMC (Intermountain Medical Center) at 10A, did the final Registration paperwork, and was taken back to pre-Op, where I changed into the hospital gown, Full-Leg Compression Socks (for post-op clot prevention), got an IV placed, turned in my Living Will to a Hospital Legal Rep, and then awaited transport to the OR.

Ready and Awaiting IV in Pre-Op (15 Nov 2015)

Heading to see the Anesthesiologist...and the OR. (15 Nov 2013)


Outside the Operating Room, I met with the Anesthesiologist. We discussed Rx allergies and what he was going to do once I was inside the OR. After that, I was wheeled into the OR, transferred to the OR table, positioned and then heard the Anesthesiologist say he had injected my IV line and then I was out.

I drifted in and out post-surgery for hours. Apparently, I awoke enough once to tell my wife, "Not as bad as the back surgery." This is referring to the horrific pain I woke to following my L5/S1 hardware fusion back in 2000. My wife was a wreck for days after seeing the intolerable pain I was in. So, with my brief message about a low pain level, she was able to relax and didn't worry about me so much.

Although I don't remember giving that message, I do remember waking up every so often, but sleeping solidly once again. At about 930p, I finally was able to stay awake enough to remember things. The most prevalent memory was pain. I was being given Fentanil, but it was doing very little. I asked about Morphine, since it always works best on me--and I'm not allergic to it! The answer I received resulted in a big, "Ahh, got it!"
You see, Morphine is metabolized in the kidneys and, seeing that both kidneys were now gone, the drug would have zero effect in reducing pain.

However, with the inability of the Fentanil to do the job, that drug was DC'd (discontinued) in favor of IV Dilaudid. It still wasn't great, but it reduced the pain enough for me to be comfortable. This Rx was used until I went home.

The first night post-surgery was a very long night. Not only was I not able to sleep much, but there was a steady stream of medical personnel coming in all night, as well. Labs, Vitals, Respiratory Therapy, Meds, Nurses, Nurses Aides, really did seem non-stop. With everything going on, I literally got about an hour of sleep from 930p through about 11a the next morning. I was exhausted, to say the least.

On day 1 post-OP I was up and walking.

---Alright...that's all for this entry. I've already fallen asleep twice, so I'd best be going.
I'll write more on Wednesday.

                                    ***************End, Part One***************


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