Wednesday, August 14, 2013

13 August 2013

Well let's get to it...

Dialysis Weights:

06 Aug 13
Starting Weight:  107.0 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.90 Kg

08 Aug 13
Starting Weight:  106.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.0 Kg
Water Removed:  2.50 Kg

10 Aug 13
Starting Weight:  106.8 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.70 kg

13 Aug 13
Starting Weight:  107.5 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg
Water Removed:  3.40 Kg

My top weights are inching higher. Although I don't like it, it is happening nonetheless. This is partly due to my indulging lately in fluids. I have let down my guard and have been drinking more water, more milk, more juices, etc. I suspect the other par is my kidneys just not working well enough to compensate for the added fluids. Ah well; time to clamp down again. (sigh!)  ;o)

Labs were drawn last week, and here are the results:

*Albumin (16 Jul):  4.60 g/dL (+.10 g/dL from 18 Jun)
  (A measure of Protein in the blood)

*Hemoglobin (06 Aug):  11.0 g/dL  (-0.40 g/dL from 23 Jul)
  (A Measure of Anemia)

*Ca Corrected (06 Aug): 9.50 mg/dL (-0.10 mg/dL from 02 Jul)
  (A measure of Heart and Bone health)

*Phosphorous (06 Aug):  4.20 mg/dL (- 0.2 mg/dL from 02 Jul)
  (High Phosphorous affects the health of your Heart and Bones)

*PTH Intact (16 Jul):  116 pg/mL   (+10 pg/mL from 16 Jun)
  (A measure of Vitamin D absorption and bone and tissue health)

*K+ (16 Jul):  4.3 mEq/L (-0.20 mEq/L from 16 Jun)
  (Proper potassium levels keep your nerves and muscles working well)

*spKdt/V Dialysis (08 Aug): 1.56   (+0.14 from 02 Jul)

Aside from the usual culprits--Hemoglobin and PTH--my latest numbers look great! Even the spKdt improved, which means that the filtering has increased its effectiveness.
No complaints from me on these labs!!!

Since my last entry, I have had a rather challenging time of it. My exhaustion is terrible. My post-D naps haven't been less that five hours, and I awaken on my off days feeling more tired than when I went to sleep. I end up feeling like I'm just dragging around all day. My housework isn't getting done, and I again have gotten zero accomplished on my personal projects. Take today, for example...
After arriving home from dialysis, I slept for nearly six and a half hours; having to drag myself out of bed. I then spent the evening letting my body recover from the Tx only to find myself, six hours later (as I type this), as exhausted as I was when I got out of bed.
 I HATE feeling like this! Though this is all to be expected, I still don't like it. I have never been one to be ok with tiredness and non-productivity. Quite the contrary!

Anyhow, enough whining...

The bilateral flank pain seems to have eased; which usually means a cyst or two has popped, giving me some temporary relief. I'll take it!

The headache is going strong. I had one day that it was down for about half the day. I had a fairly good day while that lasted! The headache is now at 45 months and counting...

Let's discuss a few things I haven't talked about much lately.

-My eyesight has been up and down. I am wearing my reading glasses most of the time I am on my computer. The incidences of feeling poorly and worsening eyesight is holding true. Again, this is ONLY with reading a/o near-sight. My far-sightedness is just fine.

-The incidences of diarrhea have decreased significantly. Whereas before the diarrhea was the norm; now it is the exception. I don't know how long this will last, but I'll not complain at all.

-The skin flakiness on my scalp and jaw have decreased as well. I still need to be on guard against it, but at least it is now manageable. Getting off of so many meds has certainly helped this, I'm sure.

-I am going to see my chiropractor tomorrow for another adjustment to aid the neuropathy in my feet. The last Tx helped so much; but the pain has returned, as has the increased numbness. Time to take it down a notch or two...

The nausea I've had lately has held fairly steady. I had a terrible bout of it this morning.
I first awoke from it at about 2a, but managed to get back to sleep. For the next two hours I was restless, but finally awoke at 415a. I took only a very small dose of Promethazine, and sat awake until it was time to get ready for dialysis. Once there, I had not one, but two injections of Zofran to calm the nausea. (Yuck!)

My dreams have been deteriorating lately with increasing lack of control. Again, I never remember my dreams, I just remember that I'm not controlling them. I have been reinforcing the self-messages, but I am having a harder time maintaining the control.
I was actually expecting this at some point because of the disease progression. And, since I have decided on when my kidneys will be coming out, it's only natural that my subconscious will begin acting this out ahead of time. The brain simply has to process as things move along. For me, this is usually how that happens.

Earlier today my Transplant team called me for a yearly follow-up. I'll be going in on the 26th of this month for labs, exams, etc. I'll tell you all about it.

All right, that's enough. I've got other things to do before getting back to bed.

Have an outstanding week, everyone!

Remember my personal motto, "Always Be Outstanding!"

Good Health to All!


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