Monday, December 31, 2012

31 December 2012

Wow! Can you believe another year has already passed by?

Alright...Christmas is over, I am done house [and puppy] sitting for a friend, and I am finally getting another entry done. It has only been fifteen days...

Weight Numbers:

18 Dec 12
Starting Weight:  107.6 Kg
Water Removed:  3.80 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.8 Kg

20 Dec 12
Starting Weight:  106.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.50 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.6 Kg

22 Dec 12
Starting Weight:  105.8 Kg
Water Removed:  2.20 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.6 Kg

24 Dec 12
Starting Weight:  106.1 Kg
Water Removed:  2.60 Kg
Ending Weight:  103.5 Kg

27 Dec 12
Starting Weight:  107.6 Kg
Water Removed:  3.50 Kg
Ending Weight:  104.1 Kg

29 Dec 12
Starting Weight:  105.7 Kg
Water Removed:  2.00 Kg
Ending Weight: 103.7 Kg

My weights continue to be fairly consistent. Any time I drink a lot, my weight increases due to lack of renal output. I am trying to make an effort to reduce my overall liquid intake ahead of my upcoming double nephrectomy. Once the kidneys are removed, I will be restricted to no more than
32 oz of all liquids per day. This includes soups, broths, water, etc. For someone used to drinking nearly a gallon of water every day (plus milk, etc), just one quart (litre) per day is nothing. So, I am slowly getting my body [somewhat] used to less liquid intake--at least until I get a new kidney! Then I can drink water to my hearts content!  ;o)

My appetite remains down. The same pattern for eating continues--no breakfast; no lunch, except on my D-days (dialysis); and either a small or moderate size dinner; little or no snacking these days. While it is true that my taste buds are working better, I still have most days that foods just aren't appetizing. I don't know why that is.

My headache is now 24/7 for 37 months and counting. I am hoping that once the kidneys are out that the headache will disappear. It will be interesting to see. Anyhow, the headache is averaging about a 7 between the bad days and the better ones. Dialysis still causes the headache to spike [due to the fluid shift] to a solid 9.75. However, I have noticed that the more water is taken, the greater or more intense the headache becomes. So, it is in my own best interest to try and go into dialysis with as little water gain as possible. On my off days, my headache is mostly reduced to a 6 or 7. While the headache used to be minimal on my off days, the last month has seen a rise in the overall pain level even on the days between treatments (Tx's).

The bilateral flank pain is 24/7. It has been for some time now. This pain does vary--likely, according to my overall fluid retention and/or cystic development--but I am still taking pain meds about 50/50 between my flanks and my headache. It will be nice not to have that pain once the kidneys are gone.

My energy level is down across the board. Even my off days find me dragging and exhausted if I even do something as simple as loading the dishwasher. Cooking is a chore (mentally) as I just don't want to expend that much energy. I am still in a good place mentally; but the constant exhaustion is beginning to take a toll. The ray of hope that keeps me doing as much as I can? That this will soon--and I mean that in as broad a scope as is needed--all be over, and I can get back to pursuing the things I want to yet accomplish.

Lastly, my Christmas was good. Besides house/puppy sitting in a beautifully Christmas decorated home, I ate some tasty food, got top spend some quality time with my daughter, had a nice Christmas day with my son and his family, and got treated to a LOT of very quiet days and nights. 
It was wonderful!

Happy New Year, Everyone!


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