Wednesday, August 29, 2012

28 August 2012


I am going to make this relatively quick tonight because it's D-day, I'm exhausted and achy from head to toe, and I have other things I want to do tomorrow other than writing in my blog. So, here goes...

The last three dialysis results:

Starting Weight: 104.6 Kg
Water Removed: 1.60 Kg
Ending Weight: 102.8 Kg

Starting Weight: 104.6 Kg
Water Removed: 1.30 Kg
Ending Weight: 103.3 Kg

Starting Weight: 104.8 Kg
Water Removed: 1.70 Kg
Ending Weight: 103.1 Kg

As you can see, the average volume of water being removed has dropped to 1.53 Kg, or about 3.37 pounds of water (about 54 oz's total).

I am still experiencing greater mental clarity, and slight energy pickups. The other notable benefit I'm now seeing from dialysis is that my headache, now about 34 months long and counting, has eased off in its intensity. Whereas before dialysis, the headache was averaging a solid 9.75 day and night and I was using about 6.5 T3's per day, right now the headache is averaging a somewhat tolerable 8.5, and my T3 usage has dropped to less than about 3.8 per day. I WILL TAKE THIS VICTORY!!!

Someone might say, 'Well, it's psychosomatic because you expected the headache to go down.' WRONG! I had fully expected the headache to continue at its [then] current level of intensity. To see it decrease is a very pleasant surprise!

My L arm is close to being recovered from the two needle infiltrations. Only slight bruising remains along the length of the arm.

Both dialysis canulation sites are now button holes. The proximal site was just today successfully canulated with a dull button hole needle. This is great news because it means no more poking around! Woo-Hoo!  :o)
I have still to get a lidocane-based topical cream for my dialysis arm. I reminded the Davita staff today about getting the Rx done. It was recommended because during both canulations, my arm stings intensely at the sites, and for about ten minutes afterwards. The topical cream will help reduce that sensation.

The remaining BP meds I use continue to control my BP--with the help of the dialysis, of course. Over the last week my BP has averaged 120/78. This means I do not have to take any other BP meds...for now, at least.

That's all I can remember for tonight.

Good Health to All!


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