Saturday, February 4, 2012

04 February 2012

 Another week...another failure by me to get a new entry done before a week has passed. (sigh)

I'll start with the headache because this has been the worst. My average daily usage of T3 has been up to about 4.5/day because the headache continues to be at its elevated worst yet. My TMD devices are worthless (as far as these headaches are concerned), and my head has been pounding day and night. Last night, in fact, the headache woke me from my sleep at 415a. Even with using a T3, I was not asleep again until nearly 730a. Tired or rested--at least...rested as I get--the headache is just constantly assaulting me. No fun at all...

The ammonia smell continues to be nasty. It's predominant on my breath, and in my nose. I'm starting to get used to this new intensity of the ammonia, but it still hits me pretty well.

My bilateral (on both sides) flank pain over the kidneys is still going strong. About the only change is that sitting in certain positions sets off a big twinge of sharp pain over either kidney. I'll keep an eye on this new development, and note any further changes.

I've been having unusual pain on my AV fistula, right around the surgery site. I'm trying to determine if I am doing anything to precipitate the pain. I may be bending my arm too much, be pressing on the super vein, or something else. If the pain worsens or becomes more frequent, I'll likely need to call the vascular surgeon for a consult.

My twice daily regimen of meds have been hitting me especially hard this last week. I've gotten nauseated about five minutes after taking my meds without fail. Assuring plenty of liquids, or having food in my stomach; neither one seems to offset this increase in nausea.

And speaking of nausea, this has again been up and down in its daily frequency. I'm not talking nausea from meds. This is referring to the daily nausea caused by the disease. My use of Promethazine has been holding steady at around 4-7 partial doses every week. Additionally, the ill feeling has been up and down, as well. When moderate, the feeling isn't too bad. When it hits me however, it lays me out; and I am the epitome of miserable.

My appetite has seemed to take a turn for the better. I'm still averaging only one meal per day, but the amount of food taken in is better at about 1.5 cups. I'll take that!

There are still zero obvious signs of blood in my urine, zero indication of kidney stones, and no obvious S/S's (Signs and Symptoms) of other organ issues. Of note however, is that I've had an increase of incidences involving my heart racing, feeling a bit squeezed, or feeling a mildly sharp pain in my heart. I've got my next physicians appointment this coming Wednesday, and I will definitely say something about this.

Lastly, I am tired. All the time tired. My eyes are droopy, my energy non-existent, and feel sleepy most all of every day. Even though my dreams have been better, I still awaken as exhausted as if I'd never slept in the first place.

That's all for today. I'm tired, sleepy, and it's time to go get my daily nap; so stop asking me questions, and let me rest. Gosh!!!  ;o)

Good Health to All!


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