Monday, September 12, 2011

12 September 2011

I know it's been nearly a week since my last entry. My bad. In my defense, I have had a terrible week.

To start, I have had LOTS (!!!) of nausea. I've been awoken three times with near emesis nausea, and have had it hit me numerous times while awake, as well. During the times the nausea woke me up, it was always the same story... Near emesis on waking, down at least a half dose of the anti-emetic Promethazine, then wait between 30-75 minutes for the med to eliminate the nausea, and send me off to a deep sleep from which I awaken extremely groggy/foggy headed.   I's a that you definitely don't want to be a part of! No, no noooo.

The nausea that hits me while awake comes on gradually at first, then smacks me really hard. The small doses of Promethazine do absolutely no good whatsoever (not to mention the waste of time it is to take Tums), and I have to take at least a half dose if I want to control it.  As a result of all the Promethazine usage, my sleep is all over the place. The only thing I can count on sleep-wise is that I never know when I'll go down for me "nightly" sleep. I am however, extremely grateful that I can control the nausea when it gets out of control. Always.

My headaches have had no let-up. Lots of pain every day; and only the T3's keep them under control.

My mid-back over the kidneys continues to be extremely painful. I also have a vertebrae or two out in the same area which adds pain to whatever the cysts on my kidneys are doing. If I can't get them in on my own, I'll go see my chiropractor. I'm just wary of anything pressing on my kidneys right now.

After I awoke a few days ago and placed my feet on the floor then stood up, I knew instantly that i would have a huge increase of edema that day. I can't describe the sensation in my legs other than, my knees down to my feet felt really weird. Sure enough, as the day progressed my feet went from just minor edema to terrible. I had rebound of minutes+, and color return of 10+. One spot I tested on my R foot had an imprint that lasted for nearly 15 minutes. Another place on my L foot had my finger pressing in a good half inch. This edema was really bad.

It gradually reduced over the next couple of days, then it happened again...this time with that sensation in my legs starting mid-thigh on both legs. Once again the edema increased to about the same level. This whole experience is definitely something new. Right now the edema doesn't stay severe though, so I am not yet alarmed. Plus, my kidneys are continuing to aid reduction of the edema with increased rates of urination after the edema has gotten to its worst. So, my body is still able to maintain at least some balance.

The lack of appetite continues, as does my liquid intake. I can barely smell any foods these days, and as I've stated before, most foods taste very, very bland; so I rarely enjoy eating, either. Over the last week I'd estimate my daily intake to be 1.5 cups of food, and around 60 oz of liquids.

After some self examination, I determined that I was struggling mentally way too much. I was doing less and less from day to day, and feeling a bit grumpy and unenthused. So, I decided to do better. I am being cognizant of my body language, aware of my motivation level, and am working daily with increased effort to be happier, a little more active, and more aware of how I am coming across to others. This has helped me immensely this past week; and will continue to get my mind in a better place. It's good that I do these self checks every so often. Otherwise I might end up in a place of darkness and despair that would be terribly difficult to get out of.

That's all for today. I promise that I won't wait another week before writing my next entry.
Have a wonderful day!

Good Health to All!


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