Friday, August 26, 2011

26 August 2011

It's only been five days since my last entry...but it sure seems longer.

There has been no break in the symptomology since then; only a slight, sustained increase in the nausea. In fact, I just took a second small dose of Promethazine after the first small dose did nothing to alleviate my nausea. If it puts me to sleep then so be it. I just know that I can't take much more of this nausea today.

My appetite continues to be way down. Over the last three days I've eaten a total of approx. 2.5 cups of food. Even my liquid intake is substantially less. I 'm taking in an average of less than half a gallon of liquids per day. Water is unappealing, as is milk, etc. I'm now drinking liquids only because my body needs them, or to take my meds.

My sleep pattern is about the same as last time...nightly sleep plus four hours or so in the afternoon. This continues to have zero effect on the overall fatigue and exhaustion that I feel every day. It is incredibly frustrating to awaken day after day with my batteries drained and my body dragging. I realized the other day that the only time I have any energy is when I dream, and my mind is free from my physical body. Never in my life have I even imagined that I would be in this position. While there isn't much I can do about the physical, I still control the mental side of this. That is the crucial fight; and is what I work at constantly day after day. I have to...I must if I am to emerge on the other side with positivity, strength, goals and hope.

That's all for today. (I'm actually finishing this up hours after I started it because of the nausea I had earlier.) My head is killing me, the nausea is just barely controlled, and I feel awful.

As always, I will hope for better days ahead.

Good Health to All!


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