Thursday, June 9, 2011

08 June 2011 (Fistula Follow-Up)

I had my follow-up with the vascular surgeon today.

Well, it wasn't actually the surgeon. He does surgeries on Wednesdays. I saw his P.A. and I have good news.

The AV Fistula is ready for dialysis a whole two months early! He stated that my overall health, age and dedication to doing the prescribed tourniquet therapy all contributed to the early time frame. Also, the fistula will continue to mature a bit more, but I no longer need to do the exercises.

The ultrasound mapping was fantastic. The images clearly showed a nice big super-vein along the length of my forearm that had considerable blood flow and a strong, healthy sound.

Also, when I am to start actual dialysis, I need to return to the vascular surgeon's office so they can clearly mark the length of the vein. Further, as the vein finishes maturing, I will be able to not only see a lot of it, but will also be able to easily feel the vein itself so I can identify cannulation points by touch.

So, that's my report. I no longer need follow-ups with that doctor (besides marking the length of the vein). Great news all around. This also means that dialysis can start immediately, should the need become pressing.

A great news day for me!

Good Health to All!


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