Monday, December 6, 2010

06 Dec. 2010

Tired. Exhausted. Fatigued.

That pretty much sums up how things have been the past few days. That is, those things are in addition to the usual S/S's I'm lucky enough to experience day in, and day out.

My now year+ headache has been slamming me pretty hard. I'm still only taking a single T3 at a time, but I'm having to take more every day in order to sort of keep the headache under control.

I've been smelling ammonia really strong the past week. There are days I wish I had no smell because of how prevalent the ammonia is. When I burp it is even worse. I've been sucking on breath mints more than ever just to combat the smell.

My appetite has been up and down. I swing between 1-3 cups of food per day.

The vertigo has been constant. Most of the time I cannot be standing to drink a glass of liquid because tilting my head back brings waves of dizziness. So, I'm now sitting most times I have anything to drink.

The nausea has been up and down as well. Eating still intensifies it; but I've actually had a few hours when I was feeling not so bad. I'll take those times anytime I can get 'em!

My sleep continues to be poor, at best. I'm waking multiple times per night, and then end up sleeping a few hours just about every day; and sometimes I'm napping more than once per day. Sunday I had about six hours of restless sleep, then I took three more naps throughout the day totaling about five more hours. Today I took (I thinks) eight catnaps of about 15 minutes each. After all of that, I still feel like I've been working my butt off all day and am feeling simply exhausted.

The dry skin on my scalp and chin continues to be evident. I'm only able to just keep it from getting really bad.

All the edema I'm seeing has not fluctuated over the past week. It has remained at a constant 3+ on color in my legs (knees, tib/fib, and feet), and 7+ on rebound in the same areas. Plus, the edema in my hands (various points including fingers) has also remained the same at 3+ color and 6+ rebound.

My short term memory continues to be a source of great frustration for me. I'm not doing anything creative at this point simply because I can't concentrate on things; nor can I remember details that come to mind, because by the time I finish writing a thought, the previous things I wanted to write are just gone; and no matter how much I think, I can't recall something that was in my brain mere moments before.

As I noted previously, my urine continues to be quite odorous. It doesn't matter how much water I do or don't drink, the odor is always quite strong.

Lastly, the cold I feel has been all day, every day. I'm almost always wearing a coat or fleece, sweat pants and (sometimes) the heavy socks. Yes, I'm still sleeping under three quilts and only feel comfortable. I've had two times when I couldn't get warm in bed and my feet felt like popcicles to the touch.

That's it for today. I'm out of strength or inclination to write any more.

Good Health to All!


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