Thursday, November 11, 2010

11 Nov. 2010

Well, after all these weeks, a little break.

On Wednesday I awoke feeling somewhat refreshed, the headache was tolerable, the nausea not overly intense, and the vertigo somewhat reduced. It stayed like that until the evening when the nausea and headache ramped up. But, it was a definite break...and I'll take that.

It seems like my year+ headache has elevated to a new average level. For the past week it has been averaging at about an 8; and there have been multiple spikes to the 9.5-10 range; though nothing sustained at that level. I had one of those spike late last night. The headache literally went from average to a 10 within minutes. I wasn't doing anything to precipitate the spike--it just happened. After taking a T3, I immediately lay down, closed my eyes, and just waited. After 30 minutes it (the headache) had not subsided, so I took another T3. Thirty minutes after that, the excruciating pain was gone, and it was once again tolerable.

As you have been able to see, I'm having a difficult time writing my blog with any consistency. Remembering has been the biggest problem. I can be doing something and think, "I need to catch up on my blog." Within seconds I have completely forgotten that thought and go on to other things.

Also, writing is getting more difficult. As I [believe] I mentioned earlier, even writing has seemed to get more tiring and difficult to do. Even writing this blog I am sitting here...thinking...trying to remember what else I wanted to mention...if I remember at all. I know I'm a slow typist, but what I've done so far has taken me...45 minutes. Mostly because I'm sitting here trying to think of what to type next. (Redundant, I know...)

As the weather here has gotten colder, so has my internal body feet especially. The other night I had three quilts on me, plus a fleece blanket, and I was freezing! After about an hour my upper body had finally warmed, but my feet felt like Popsicles. I was eventually able to fall asleep in spite of my cold feet; but then slept fitfully.

The ammonia smell has been constant. It has gotten so intense that others, when with me in a small room or a car, are able to smell the ammonia, too! Nasty!

And...that's all. I'm exhausted. I've been feeling exhausted for a number of days now. No matter how much sleep I get, most of the time I am sleepy like I didn't rest at all.

Good Health to All!


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