Sunday, September 5, 2010

05 Sept. 10

Not much change from my last report.

The nausea continues its relentless wracking of my body. I had to take a dose on the anti-emetic yesterday to keep from getting overwhelmingly sick. Today finds the nausea decreased somewhat; though it will increase suddenly, making me feel awful until it dies down again.

My headache has continued unabated. It has been consistently between 7-9 for the last three days. Food, water, regular Tylenol (no ibuprofen! It is metabolized in the kidneys and will damage them further.), nothing helps. The T3's only mask the pain temporarily...not that I'm complaining about that. At least I can get a few hours break.

The last few weeks I have felt really tired all of the time (I think I alluded to that in an earlier post). This continues day after day with my continuing to be unable to pin down any reason for it. It may simply be due to the kidney disease itself. I'd have to do some research on that to know the validity of that possibility. What I do know is that I have continued to awaken every day feeling as if I didn't get any sleep.

As my body has grown more fatigued, my mind has also grown fatigued. I have been trying to study various subjects, do some creative writing, etc, all in an effort to both keep my mind busy, as well as to keep it sharp and in a good, positive place. Since I began feeling fatigued, my ability to concentrate on these mental endeavors has gone down. I'm still reading a lot of news, and play games that challenge my mind with analysis, problem solving, etc. However, the studying and various creative endeavors are falling behind. I will continue to work on these things and keep challenging my brain as much as I feel able to do.

Over the course of this past week I have been eating (with consistency) just one meal per day, with a few small snacks throughout the day. I'm still eating somewhere around 2.5 cups of food per day, plus water, milk, etc. Not even close to enough for someone of my height; but I do my best to overcome this lack of appetite and forgetfulness to eat.
There was something else I wanted to tell you; but I just don't remember.
A Safe Holiday for Everyone!
Good Health to All!

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