Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10 Aug. 10

In the three full days since my last entry, things have gone downhill.

All day Saturday I was just feeling blah. No energy, not much laughter. Though I wasn't overly nauseated, nor had a terrible headache--I just was completely non-energetic. I did eat a bit more than usual; which is good. Considering how little I've been ingesting, eating more on Saturday was definitely a good thing.

Sunday started out the exact same way. However, as the day progressed, the S/S's began ramping up once again. By the afternoon I was nauseated enough to take the Rx anti-emetic. Again, it took away the nausea; but left me feeling yuck. Additionally, my headache had increased dramatically by the evening, going from a six up to a 9.5. Because of the headache and the nausea I ate very little once more. By the time I went to bed Sunday night I had only had about 2.5 cups of food, plus minimal liquids.

Monday found my S/S's staying pretty much the same. Let's see...Intense headache all day (about an 8); uncontrollable nausea (took another Rx anti-emetic); zero appetite; zero energy; extremely tired, decreased urinary output, etc. In spite of feeling like this, the edema in my legs actually looks less today than it has in a while. Fascinating how that happens.

I have also begun to feel cold again. It started about a week ago. Just once in a while at first; but now, I'm getting cold throughout the day once more. This in spite of my local temps being in the 90's. Yes, I'm in AC during the day; but it is set at 72 degrees. I'm getting shivers in a 72 degree room.

(Five minutes later...) There was something else I was going to say, but I just can't think of what it was. I remember it was important, but...
Nope. Not there. I can't think of it. IF I remember it, I'll add it on to the end on this entry.

Good Health to All!


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