Wednesday, June 2, 2010

02 June 10

Well, three relatively good days in a row! I will certainly not complain about that!

So, Monday I was having a good day. I had hoped it would carry over, and it has! The nausea has been somewhat better, my headache has been up and down, and my kidney pain has backed off intensity-wise (don't get me wrong...they still hurt. Right now they're just mildly painful instead of moderately (or more) painful!). My energy is still low, and I'm eating on average just once per day; but all in all, I've now had three good days in a row! Nothing to complain about, for sure!!!

A while ago I was telling you about a web site I found called The Transplant Experience. *I have it on this page under the side bar heading 'Helpful Renal Websites.'* Anyway, I received my free info packet from them a couple of weeks ago and it is filled with great, helpful info for anyone preparing for a transplant. They included literature, a DVD, common med forms and a seven-day, four-compartment pill box for when you are post transplant and need to take meds at varying times of the day. Additionally, they send me info via email about every two weeks. The program providing the information is sponsored by Astellas, a pharmaceutical company out of Waukegan, IL.

I was glad I got their information. The more anybody can know about a transplant prior to it actually happening, the better it is for them. I think it causes less worry, stress and uncertainty about the things that are happening.

As I've alluded to a number of times, I want to know as much as I can so there are as few surprises as possible in this whole thing. Anybody reading this blog who is awaiting or anticipating transplant, I strongly encourage you to read, ask questions, educate yourselves, do whatever you can/need, and learn as much as you possibly can.
It really does relieve the tension one feels as you go through what I am now.

That's all for today. I hope you all are healthy, happy, and striving towards your bright futures!

Good Health to All!


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