Sunday, May 9, 2010

09 May 10

What a slide since yesterday's entry.

I awoke today with a terrible headache. On my 1-10 scale, this is a solid 9. This headache though, is a total TMD type. When I awoke, my jaw was sore and the R joint ached and clunked (vs clicked) with every movement. The headache has not let up all day so I will be using my NTI adjunct when I sleep [to help alleviate the muscle tension in the jaw and head]. Hopefully when I awaken tomorrow, the NTI device will have done its usual fabulous job, and the TMD headache will be gone.

Also today, my kidneys have both been aching more than usual. In fact, they have been painful most of the day. The pain is bilateral, though the R kidney hurts slightly more than the left.

Additionally, with the increase in kidney pain came a huge increase in my nausea. Been feeling REALLY yucky all day, and have eaten very little as a result--which of course, just makes the nausea worse than it already is.

So, that's how my day has been. Definitely not one of my better days.

Let's look forward to a better day tomorrow!

Good Health to All!


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