Friday, November 27, 2009

27 Nov. 09

I know I promised to get back with you sooner about how things are going without the Amlodipine; but things have been hectic with the pre-holiday preps, Thanksgiving day itself, and, my daughter in-law gave birth to my second grandchild since my last post.

So, getting back to it...It's now been five days since I went off the Amlodipine. And it's been five days without any major nausea. My energy is up (a little) and I am able to be a little more active without feeling like I'm going to be sick. The dizziness is decreased by about 90%, and my headaches are fewer in number from day to day.

My appetite has also increased slightly. I'm still not even close to eating enough on a daily basis, but I am now getting around four cups of food per day. That's a 25% increase!

I still get tired quickly; but I'm sure this is simply proportional to food intake vs energy expended. If I am able to increase my intake, my ability to be more active should also increase.

As far as today, well...I definitely over did everything yesterday. It was Thanksgiving! Way too much energy expended; not that I regret it....because I don't. It's a holiday! You're supposed to do too much...right? :0)

Happy Holidays.

Good Health to All!


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