Friday, December 31, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 31 December 2021

 It is the final day of 2021, so considering it has been two weeks since my last entry, I need to get one more done for the year.

Christmas was extremely quiet!

This was the first time in 37 Christmases together that my wife and I have had neither children, nor family over. It was so strange!

However, I still made a nice dinner of our Christmas favorites, and we ate some delicious leftovers for several days.

I started the new med (Cozar/Losartan) this past Wednesday. I have had no apparent negative side effects, but my morning BP has dropped from the mid-150's (systolic) down to the low 140's. The evening reading is still high, but slightly better.

My December infusion of Belatacept went well. Nothing else to report on this.

My headaches have been up and down. For the most part they have been nominal from day to day; but last week I had a really nasty non-TMD headache pop up late in the day. With sleep, and my strongest med, the headache had retreated by the next morning.

After a month of not working out [due to exhaustion and general tiredness], I finally got a session in just yesterday, and I used lighter weights and fewer reps. My next workout will be tomorrow, and I'll return to the heavier weights, and just go with how I am feeling on the reps from exercise to exercise.

I found out a couple of days ago that I am not yet active on the Transplant List after all. My coordinator informed me that the Transplant Committee wants an in-person visit with the surgeons, as well as a visit to a Urologist because of my latest PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) being slightly elevated at 4.41. This number really isn't anything worrying, but the Committee is just being cautious. Those appointments are yet to be set up. you remember that I stated in my last entry that the Wuhan Virus vaccine side effects were gone?


Since I wrote that, I have had several more instances of blurry vision in my L eye, AND a few episodes of suddenly getting hot again. This is so much fun...  :(

There have been several days that have again found me not feeling well. Luckily, it still goes away within several hours, or by the next day. 

My sleep has been good, and my dreams are still under my complete control. Water and fluid intake remains consistent from day to day, and my appetite has been relevant to my lack of exercise. I'm sure this will increase now that I am getting my workouts in once more.

So that is all for today, and for 2021.

May you all have a safe and Happy New Year of 2022!


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 15 December 2021

 Moving my daughter went well, and for happening in December, our roads both to and from there were dry and perfect. 

The biggest issue I've had since we got back has been an unrelenting exhaustion. I am sleeping several hours during the day, but still getting a full night of sleep. Only yesterday did I actually go a full day without a long nap. 

And because of the exhaustion, I have not yet gotten any exercise in the week since we returned; which is not good at all.

I did my December labs last week, and here are the results...

09 Dec 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.30 (-0.16) 

*HCT:   35.3 (+0.6) Just Low

*Hemo:   11.1 (+0.2) IR

*RBC:   3.83 (+0.01) Extremely Low

*WBC:   7.7 (NC) IR

*BUN:   46 (-3) Extremely High

*CA:   9.3 (-0.3) IR

*GFR:   20 (+2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   107

*K+:   4.1 (+0.2) IR

*NA+:   140 (NC) IR

*Phos:   4.0 (-0.5) IR

                 NC= No Change       IR= In Range

These latest labs show stability, which is great!

Unfortunately, as I have been telling you in previous posts, the labs are not reflective of how I am doing overall. 

In addition to the extended exhaustion and the increasing daytime naps, my weight has risen due to an increase of water retention. Yesterday morning I weighed in at 118.4 Kgs. This is after I had weighed 117.6 Kgs the day before. The 10mg of extra Torsemide is no longer holding my weight at a consistent level. 

I have also noticed a rise in the non-TMD headaches. This may be coincidental to the exhaustion of getting my daughter moved--and I'm hoping that is what has happened--but I am not resting on that hypothesis. I have had two nasty non-TMD headaches over the past week and a half, which required my strongest med to tamp down. My T3 usage has increased slightly because of these headaches, as well. I'll definitely continue watching these.

I had my latest visit with my Nephrologist yesterday, and it went well. 

He agreed that my labs are stable, but is concerned about my blood pressures, water retention and exhaustion. To help with the BP, I will be starting on Losartan (Cozar) late in December. If my January labs show any deviation in my potassium or phosphorous, then he will re-evaluate that med at that time.

He is also ordering [for Jan labs] a Thyroid check, cholesterol and my iron levels.  I will be sure to let you know those results.

As far as the water retention, he wants me to continue using 60 mg of Torsemide every morning, and add extra Torsemide depending on my weight gain or loss.

Overall, he is pleased with how I am doing. So, no imminent dialysis.

I have now gone almost a month without any apparent Wuhan Vaccine side effects...finally! I am still debating whether or not to get a booster when it is time because of the severity and length of time of said side effects. Plus, the Kidney Clinic has not announced anything regarding the booster shots. More on this at a later date.

That wraps up this entry. 

With Christmas next week, I likely will not get another entry until the following week.

Coming up: My December Infusion of Belatacept, which will be on 21 Dec.

So, until next time, May you ALL have a Very Merry Christmas!

And may you stay safe if you travel, and feel the love of family and friends throughout this Holiday season!

