Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Post-Transplant Rejection Update: 20 July 2021

 Just a brief update today, as preparations are in high gear for our upcoming vacation.

The side effects from the vaccine continue five weeks after the inoculation of the 2nd vaccine. Every day I see the pointed headache, dizziness, lethargy, feel hot, or the fuzzy eyesight. Last week I had extreme dizziness that lasted two days, combined with being hot one day, and the headache on the next day. This is NOT fun, and can stop any time!

On the good news front, my taking the iron pills is finally starting to give me more energy. I was hoping to start working out again before the trip; but with the ongoing side effects, that just hasn't happened. So, I am planning on getting started again after I get back.

The normal TMD headaches continue, but remain under control with the chiropractic, acupuncture and meds. 

My sleep continues to be sporadic. I know that working out will help me sleep better, so hopefully, I will start seeing that very soon.

Also, because of these lingering vaccine side effects, I have not felt up to getting any needed appointments done for going active on the Transplant List. There are only a few things to get done, which I had planned on accomplishing in June and July; before I knew how bad the virus vaccine would hit me.

Anyhow, that's all I have for today.

I will return on the 28th, and will hopefully get an update done shortly afterwards.

Until then, stay safe, enjoy your summer and keep doing and being your very best!

Good Health to All!


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Post-Transplant rejection Update: 11 July 2021

 Going on a month since my second Wuhan Virus shot, and I am STILL having side effects!

Let's get started though, with my latest lab results...

06 July 21 Labs:

*Creat:   3.26 (+0.27)

*HCT:   35.7 (+0.5) Low

*Hemo:   11.2 (NC) IR

*Lymph:   Not taken

*Lymph ABS:   Not Taken

*RBC:   3.97 (+0.02) Extremely Low

*WBC:   6.7 (+0.9) IR

*BUN:   43 (-4) Extremely High

*CA:   9.9 (+0.7) IR

*GFR:   20 (-2) Extremely Low

*Gluc:   111

*K+:   4.0 (+0.2) IR

*NA+:   141 (+4) IR

*Phos:   3.7 (NC) IR

*Parathyroid Hormone (PTH):   91

              NC= No Change       IR= In Range

Stability. That's about all my labs show this month. 

Also, I had my July Infusion the same day as my lab draw. Because my L arm is NOT getting poked numerous times every month, the arm is healing and the IV sticks are becoming easier for the nurses at the Infusion Center. Once again, the IV was placed with just a single stick.

Now, as far as the virus inoculation...

Though I am no longer having widespread side effects, every day brings at least one or two that just won't go away. One day it will be the unique headache; the next it will be dizziness; the next it will be exhaustion and dizziness...

You get the point. 

The side effects ARE getting better; it is just agonizingly slow getting rid of them!

Again, I knew this was a possibility; but that doesn't help my frustration with whatever pops up on any given day.

Aside from those lingering side effects, things are Okay, I guess. I still haven't had the energy to work out. It's now over two months since I last exercised, and my weight is rising as a result.

I had been flirting with 113 Kgs; but now sit squarely in the 115s, with an occasional dip to the 114's, and a few rises into the 116 Kgs, which I hadn't seen since this past February. While I realize that this is due to the kidney struggling, it is still frustrating nonetheless. I am so close to the goal that the Transplant surgeon set of 111 Kgs!

My sleep has been, well, terrible. Many times after getting up to empty my bladder I struggle to fall back asleep. I'll lay in bed for an hour or two before giving up; so I get dressed and do computer work until I get sleepy again. This happened just a few hours ago when I awoke at 2:57A. I finally got up at 5:15A. I will undoubtedly take a nap later this morning to compensate for at least a couple of hours of missed sleep.   Other nights I'll get a full night of sleep, even after getting up several times. 

The iron supplements have stabilized my Iron levels, and helped increase my Red Blood Cells and Hematocrit. However, my Ferretin and Transferrin numbers remain low. Getting those numbers up may just take time. I don't know, to be honest.

The TMD headaches kicked in full force once the vaccine headaches has diminished from constant to occasional. And with my rehab doctor taking time off, plus some interference from holidays and other appointments, my Chiropractic and acupuncture treatment have been intermittent, at best. Plus, with the pandemic waning, and both my wife and I being inoculated, we are finally getting out of town in a week and a half; so I'll miss even more treatments. But, after a year and a half of constant vigilance against the pandemic, and being essentially cooped up for most of that time, getting away from home for a week will be wonderful!

Everything else is pretty much status quo. There have been no big changes either positive or negative. Even though I'd love to be working out regularly, I'll still take status quo over heading towards--or being on--dialysis any day!

Because of preparations for my upcoming trip away, I do not know if I'll get another entry done before I leave on the 22nd [of July]. So, if you don't hear from me before then, I will likely get one either by the end of the month, or in early August.

Until then, I wish all of you a safe, cool and fun summer!

Good Health to All!
